I like guts in my leaders.

I'm a registered conservative.

My wife does wish I dressed better.

I never got a job from a poor person.

I don't see any violence at Trump rallies.

I'm all in favor of the president tweeting.

See what I have to put up with every night?

I hate when people use my tactics against me.

Can we pray for the reelection of George Bush?

Can we pray for the re-election of George Bush?

I have two kids, and I don't have to spank my kids.

I really don't map out my life. There's no big plan.

I have never seen any such quote anyplace, anywhere.

I think hypnosis is entertaining. I believe it's real.

Stay home on Election Day ... for the sake of the nation

I don't think we should proselytize a particular religion.

We do have more control over our lives than any politician.

When you say "Ghetto Fights," that sounds extremely racist.

Donald Trump is a staunch believer in the Second Amendment.

Is it that you hate this president or that you hate America?

We have got to lose the primary in order to win the general.

I said in 2008 the media is dead in America. Journalism's dead.

I am a total loser, in every aspect of my life. I rarely go out.

My brother wasn't loved by my mother in the same way that I was.

If I was in Congress, I would not vote to raise the debt ceiling.

The president has said Republicans want dirty air and dirty water.

I believe in faith, family and country. I really keep it that simple.

I'm at peace with myself because what I talk about is the way I live.

Journalism in America is dead. I've been saying it on the air since 2008.

It is one of the worse things you can say about somebody, they are racist.

My father used to take off his belt and give me a crack. And I'm all right.

If someone's not attacking you that means you're not doing your job effectively.

I think there are other alternatives there than hitting a child, striking the child.

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump has taken American politics by storm.

If you look at [Donald] Trump's attacks on Jeb Bush, they've been pretty devastating.

I think that the new models of Chevrolet should have Barney Frank as a hood ornament.

The U.S. is the greatest, best country God has ever given man on the face of the earth.

66 percent of Americans agree in a temporary ban of refugees entering the United States!

So the mayor of New Orleans would have used his own buses had the people had been white?

It doesn't say anywhere in the Constitution this idea of the separation of church and state.

I think anybody that gives their opinion in a confident way everyday is going to be criticized.

In 1996, a Republican governor in South Carolina tried to take the flag down. He was voted out.

Why should one U.S. airman give up his life when our national security is not in imminent danger?

Is the president purposefully using propaganda and hyperbole to garner the American public for support?

[The Democratic Party]it's a party with an incredible century-and-a-half history of institutional racism.

Hillary Clinton is apparently very happy about [Barack] Obama clamping down on your 2nd Amendment rights.

Donald Trump needs to understand the Republican establishment - they're not going to be his friend, either.

You can play golf with liberals, be neighbors with them, go out to dinner. I just don't want them in power.

We have a person that wants to balance the budget by charging $1,000 to every family who spanks their child.

I lived in Alabama and Georgia, and the people in the south are wonderful. It's God, faith, family, country.

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