I was a big tomboy.

Authenticity is my life.

I like to be adventurous.

Haters can keep on hating.

I can make the stars dance

Egos turn me off, big time.

I'm not really a girly girl.

It's always better to be real.

I won't apologize for who I am

I'm not perfect. I make mistakes.

I dress like a 30-year-old woman.

Hollywood life is never true. Ever.

Trust yourselves. Love and be loved.

People are so mean, it's exhausting.

I did gain weight, but I don't care.

I like to have fun. I like to hang out.

I was obsessed with 'The Wizard of Oz.'

I may not be perfect, but i'm always me

You have every right to a beautiful life.

Be yourself,its the best thing you can be.

Always be yourself, there's no one better!

I still feel like I'm the girl from Texas.

I'm no beauty queen, I'm just beautiful me

I don't know how to be anything but myself.

you have the right to live a beautiful life

I'm not sure there's a method to my madness.

I'm more of a smooth peanut butter kinda girl

I've been a UNICEF ambassador since I was 17.

Childhood decisions do not have to define you.

I believe in love - yes, I'm one of those girls.

Every now and then, I deserve to say what I feel.

You fall in love, and it completely consumes you.

Be yourself cause everyone else is already taken.

If you are broken, you do not have to stay broken.

You made me insecure, Told me I wasn't good enough.

I'm just happy to do projects I'm passionate about.

Being single can pave the way for new opportunities.

What makes you different is what makes you beautiful

You can have it all without suffering from a meltdown.

I feel confident. I feel empowered. I feel in control.

I'm super laid back. I'm from Texas. I love my family.

It's so disappointing that I've become a tabloid story.

One of my favorite album covers is Miguel's 'Wildheart.'

Nobody really knows everything, and they can only assume.

Speaking of friends, the best ones always have your back.

I love Katy Perry! She gave me a song for my second album.

I try my best to be a good person and be the best I can be.

I didn't think I was doing anything bad by falling in love.

I love running away for a few months and creating a record.

I have a weakness for anything savory or bad guys. Bad boys.

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