I've got nothing but love for Justin Roberts, nothing but great things to say about him. It's a cliched thing to say you wish him well in his future endeavours, but I really do. I hope the best for him. He was involved in a lot of huge main events over the years. One thing about Justin was that he really loved WWE.

Home is home wherever you grow up generally speaking. Unless you're one of those people who always wants to get out of a small town and do something bigger with your life, which I always did but I always wanted to come back, so home is home and its a great place for me to come back and escape the hustle and bustle of the life that I live.

I don't need to go over a fight scene a million times. I got it. It comes very naturally to me to do that. And our industry is a little more physical than I think some people know, with regard to how much contact is made between WWE Superstars when we're wrestling a match. Whereas on set, sometimes actors aren't familiar with that sort of physicality.

While acting in Armed Response I was always focused, just so they could see me as a peer and maybe not some idiot who's coming in from the pro-wrestling world. I'm sure they had their preconceived notions about me so I just hope that once we were finished with a scene, or finished with the movie overall, that I managed to change their perspective based on what they were expecting.

There's certainly an element of responsibility that goes with being on the cover of WWE 2K18, but I'm just stoked for it. I think it's awesome for our generation to have a guy on the cover who comes from the group of guys and girls on the road right now who are grinding it out every single day and night. I feel honored to have gotten the opportunity and that I was chosen to be that guy when it could have been anyone from Charlotte Flair to Sasha Banks to Roman Reigns.

I have watched Brock Lesnar for a really long time and I thought I knew how strong he was, I thought I knew how fast he was. Being in the ring with him, he is a completely different animal. He is a beast. They call him the Beast Incarnate and that is real. Whether you are in the Octagon with him trading fists, or in the ring trading German suplexes it is on another level. It was a pleasure and I am glad I got to be in the ring with him and i think I proved to the entire world I can hang with the guy.

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