Charity is merely returning what we have stolen.

God doesn't want to change the world without you.

To be nonpartisan doesn't mean we're nonpolitical.

There are people who are dangerous, and evil is real.

There are some things to die for but none to kill for.

Violence is for those who have lost their imagination.

God comforts the disturbed and disturbs the comfortable.

Dance until they kill you, and then we'll dance some more.

I would love to see the Church on the right side of history.

When we ask God to move a mountain, God may give us a shovel.

To refer to the Church as a building is to call people 2 x 4's.

I'm excited we can be part of making the death penalty history.

Discontentment is a gift. It's the stuff that changes the world.

The dreams get anchored in aged wisdom not some utopian fantasy.

No one has seen God, but as we love one another, God lives in us.

Believe in miracles. And live in a way that might necessitate one.

One of the great dangers in political engagement is misplaced hope.

There is one big misunderstanding of the monastics leaving society.

It's not that hard to say slavery is wrong after we've abolished it.

Too often we just do what makes sense to us and ask God to bless it.

How can we worship a homeless man on Sunday and ignore one on Monday?

The more I get to know Jesus, the more trouble he seems to get me into.

It's always a good idea to have a nun next to you when you get arrested!

A lot of the world looks to the United States, whether we like it or not.

The question becomes not just how to accumulate more, but how to covet less.

Jesus did not send us into the world to make believers but to make disciples.

Most good things have been said far too many times and just need to be lived.

We need good laws, but no law can change a human heart - only God can do that.

Faith is being idealistic, because we have made an idol out of the status quo.

There is nothing more sickening than talking about poverty over a fancy dinner.

Recognizing that something is wrong is the first step toward changing the world.

The church is a place where broken people can fall in love with a beautiful God.

It's hard to hear the gentle whisper of the Spirit amid the noise of Christendom.

The church is like Noah's ark. It stinks, but if you get out of it, you'll drown.

The love that makes community is the willingness to do someone else's dirty work.

I think of the Catholic worker movement and Dorothy Day and Peter Maurin and others.

It doesn't matter who you are. Everyone has something to offer the movement of justice

Faith is believing in the impossible because we have a God who is master of impossible.

The more recent effort to encourage everyone to pray in common involves so many people.

Faith is not accepting the world as it is but insisting on building the world God wants.

People had taught me what Christians believe, but no one had told me how Christians live.

The true atheist is the one who refuses to see God's image in the face of their neighbour.

We are setting ourselves up for disappointment if our hope is built on anything less than Jesus.

Our churches should attract the people Jesus attracted and frustrate the people Jesus frustrated.

Certainly the institutional church is ill. It's hemorrhaging young people at an astronomical rate.

When we realize that we are both wretched and beautiful, we are freed up to see others the same way.

Christians pretty much live like everybody else, they just sprinkle a little Jesus in along the way.

Someday war and poverty will be crazy and we will wonder how the world allowed such things to exist.

Every 70-year-old needs a young person in their lives to mentor, and every 20-year-old needs a senior.

The time has come for a new kind of conversation, a new kind of Christianity, a new kind of revolution.

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