I have an ongoing fight with fast food.

I feel very privileged to do what I do.

I don't believe anything's a coincidence.

You have to know how to use your hair spray.

Breaking news on live TV is a roller coaster.

It was love at first sight being in the newsroom.

Double vision makes reading the prompter very tricky.

I think, gosh, I'm just some kid from Tallahassee, Florida.

Miss America paid for my junior and senior years in college.

I've always been active, and enjoy running and lifting weights.

Any show should be open to listening to constructive criticism.

I grew up in a very strict household, where secular music was forbidden.

Routine is important to me and keeps me mentally and physically healthy.

Some nights you just can't predict what's going to happen live for an hour.

I was a business major, then went to law school, and I practiced a few years.

I like to think that I could survive should the apocalypse or zombies show up.

I have gone to White House dinners in a dress that I have bought at Loehmann's.

Life will take you in all kinds of unexpected directions and it certainly did with me.

I have control of my recurrent corneal erosion, as opposed to it having control of me.

You don't even have to be a lawyer to be on the Supreme Court, which I think is hilarious.

The Lord creates us all in different ways and gives us all different passions and different paths.

I know Fox News is the target of criticism but we take it in stride. Our No. 1 goal is to be accurate.

My mom taught me to respect myself, and to question anyone who would ask me to sacrifice my integrity.

I'm not a big breakfast person, but I try to eat a little something on the mornings I'm going to work out.

General Flynn said all the talk about the connections between Trump and his campaign in Russia are nonsense.

I'm fascinated by current events and the privilege of trying to share it with other people and tell a story.

I think sometimes when you see folks on TV, you are seeing the best part of their life, not the really tough part.

Getting involved in a newsroom and seeing how it operated and the urgency of live television really got my attention.

When you see that the head of human resources is sitting in the meeting you've been called into, it's not a good sign.

There's part of you that, when you show up for work, you kick into professional mode and try to do your absolute best.

I want to sing the praises of the U.S. Supreme Court police because they're always fantastic. They always do a good job.

When I get out of bed in the morning, I literally say a prayer. The first thing I do is thank God that I got through the night.

When I'm working out and eating healthily, it's easier to manage the stresses and schedule demands that are a reality in media.

The days of waiting for your morning paper to show up in your driveway and tell you what the main stories are? Those days are over.

Instead of just surviving life and hoping to make it through one more day, I live my life with joy now, and I'm incredibly grateful.

I get calls, emails and get asked in the grocery store when I'm not looking that great... 'I love your hair. Where do you get it done?'

That year I went to Miss America, that was the first year I had competed in an adult pageant, if you could call it that. So it was zero to 60.

As a straight news correspondent I would never make an issue of someone's personal life unless they have put it out there for public consumption.

Any book that you're writing about your life, there are tough chapters that you've gotten through, you've survived them, and kind of closed them up.

I think our greatest moments of pain can be our greatest chance to grow in our faith and to share it and hopefully bring someone else back from the brink.

I'm pretty religious about drinking between 60-to-70 ounces of water a day. I carry a big, refillable water bottle that I try to get through at least twice a day.

It breaks my heart when I see young women swept up in today's celebrity culture that encourages them to give themselves away for the sake of a few likes on social media.

Doctors are wonderful people, but they don't know everything. We're all responsible for our own health, and shouldn't feel guilty if we ask questions or get second opinions.

In Washington, there is a way to have disagreements and debates, which is so healthy, but a way to be friends at the end of the day, which I believe is the essence of America.

Walk away from medical professionals who dismiss your concerns, and don't quit searching until you find someone who will truly partner with you to find the answers you deserve.

When you find yourself on a pageant stage, there are a lot of unpredictable moments, and I think a lot of that translates to doing the live, breaking-news reporting that I do now.

The news now continues all night, whether it's politicians and the president using social media, or it might be a major news outlet dropping giant stories at 9, 10 o'clock at night.

I think among a lot of American families who see Walmart as one of their brands and it may be the best thing in town, they may not have any options whether they want to boycott or not.

Live television is just like competing on live TV. You're never going to be perfect. You just try to prepare the best that you can and execute the best that you can and try to be in the moment.

Basically, I suffer from a genetic condition that causes my corneas to tear all the time. If it's happened to you even once, you know how agonizing it can be - for me, it was happening on a daily basis.

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