There is no point in being lazy.

Ultimately, my boss is the audience.

I think it is OK to surprise people.

Part of being alive is dying as well.

I've got the biggest crush on Patti Smith.

I've been dumped plenty of times, I can assure you of that.

I'm a total Luddite when it comes to gadgets and technology.

I think the trick is to leave before everyone is sick of you!

I'm just lucky to be working; I'm not trying to leave a legacy.

Don't be losing sleep over tiny things. Life is complicated enough.

I used to have an aunty who read tea leaves. She was incredibly accurate.

Everything has to keep moving forward in 'Endeavour.' Otherwise, it will stagnate.

I don't do any social media. I'm not on Facebook or Twitter. I'm just not interested.

I want people of my generation who've never seen 'Endeavour' before to enjoy this series.

With all due respect, I have a job to do, and that is to try and make 'Endeavour' the best it can be.

Loner heroes do appeal to that part of yourself that feels as though your genius hasn't been recognised.

When I was in my late teens, I discovered 'Fawlty Towers' and 'Monty Python,' and they still make me laugh.

In Liverpool, where I live, we have a brilliant library which has been refurbished, and I like going there.

It helps to be more interested in other people than you are in yourself. Inhabiting other characters is what I do.

Everyone brings their top game to Endeavour. We're very lucky. I'm glad people love it because that's our intention.

I'm delighted to be working on 'Casualty.' It's a terrific cast and crew, and I'm very grateful for the opportunity.

I don't think you can work properly if you have anxiety about something; it stops you doing the work you're paid to do.

I think it's a falsehood to think you can have some kind of plan. Acting isn't like that, it's more vocational, I think.

I think until you reach your mid-30s, there's either a real acceptance of where you are or a resignation of where you are.

I don't understand 'The Only Way Is Essex' and 'Made in Chelsea': the way they pretend there's no camera. I cannot fathom the attraction.

I just don't really like starting a job if I don't know where it finishes. I want to know where something begins and ends so that you can invest something in it.

You can make films, and often, they get released on four screens in the U.K. Although it's been interesting and good for you, if no one's seen it, what's the point?

My brother and I loved 'ThunderCats' and Robin Williams coming out of an egg in 'Mork & Mindy.' At the time, I thought it was funny, but looking back, it was a crazy concept!

As a kid, I was always more interested in watching others than being the centre of attention. I've always felt that you can see a lot more and learn a lot more when you're standing on the edge.

If I can be dead honest with you, when I first see the script for a new episode of 'Endeavour,' if anything jars, I say, 'What's this? Has it got a place in our story?' And if it hasn't, it has to go.

I watch Channel 4 News every day. I love it. I rarely watch any other news programme. There's just something about it - and I'm not talking about Jon Snow's ties and socks, but I appreciate those, too.

I think when you're in the middle of a piece of work, there are things that bleed over into your life. You're spending a large portion of your day pretending to be somebody else, to tell somebody else's story.

Acting is an amazing job. I'm very lucky to do it, and when you're working with terrific people, telling stories you care about, and know it reaches an audience who care about it, too, there is an escapism in that.

While I try and give as much energy, enthusiasm and detail to any work I do, if I keep coming back to it, to the same people year after year, there's an attachment. But you don't want anything to become comfortable.

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