I think Anderson Silva is ahead of Chuck Liddell as far as that goes.

There's a lot of great strikers in the business but no one should ever forget about Chuck Liddell.

I look at B.J. Penn as one of the best boxers in the business. He's got one of the best jabs around.

I follow K-1 closely and also train Ray Sefo. My heart is with K-1 and I love the sport of standup kickboxing.

If I had train someone to fight Anderson Silva that would probably be my biggest challenge yet as far as being prepared for a striker.

I've been around fighters enough to know that you have to be able to give 100 percent of your effort and time into training for a sport.

I think Frank Mir was 100 percent underestimated and I'm really happy to see the result because I think we needed it in the heavyweight division.

We need more guys that are solid talents all around and Frank Mir proved himself and I don't think anyone is going to second guess him every again.

I have too many guys that count on me as a coach so in 2009 you're going to see me in a lot of cages and rings but I'll only be in them to corner my fighters.

I think when it comes to Anderson Silva, it comes down to his speed, his distance and his timing are impeccable. They are second to none and that's what makes him dangerous.

[Fedor] Arlovski proved himself against Ben Rothwell. As far as a power puncher in the mold of a Mike Tyson-style power puncher, you're not going to find anyone tougher than Fedor.

What I think a lot of that was K-1 having had their Grand Prix finals not even a month before the "Dynamite!!" show so a lot of those guys were coming into that fight pressured to fight.

I ever said back when we had our choice words I still told everybody that I respected him. I wouldn't want to have to do [Joe Rogan] job and I don't know anybody else that could do his job.

I think really, if I were to defend the K-1 strikers, that it was a pressure of not enough time to re-prepare for a fight and not enough time to repair for a fight as a result of the last show.

He does a great job of it and keeps the sport entertaining and even my mom loves to listen to Joe Rogan when the fights are on so that tells you right there that he does something for the new fans of the sport that nobody else could.

I look at Anderson Silva and he can fight moving forward, he can fight moving backward, and he can fight moving left or right. It's something that I don't think anyone else in the sport other than Chuck Liddell has really been able to do.

The strange part of MMA is that you lose one or two fights and people start to question you but he was on top for so long and it was purely his striking that made him so good. Nobody can step backwards and knock someone out as well as Chuck Liddell can.

I have the utmost respect for Joe Rogan. I think he does his job better than anybody else could. I just think that we were both coming through a maturing stage in our careers and he said what he said and I said what I said. And we've both grown since then.

I'm proud of them and I am happy to see that the Frank Mir that we all wanted to see back in the day is truly here and I think he's here to say. I have a really good friend in his trainer, Ken Hahn at Striking Unlimited and I'm glad that they're getting the respect that they deserve now.

I was scheduled to fight in November of 2008 in a kickboxing show called XMA. There were some controversies that happened between my management team as well as some of the promoters as far as setting up the fights. There was some talk of Ken Shamrock but nobody else had talked to Ken about it as far as the promoting.

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