I am the oldest of 4 kids.

If life is worth living then it's worth recording.

My life is a dream come true of a dream I never knew I even had

It's not about finding out who you are, it's about creating who you are.

I think our Savior wants us to be happy on this earth. That's why we're here is to have joy.

Ask yourself honestly, who do you wanna be and what are you willing to do to become that person?

We're all brothers and sisters. It doesn't matter what language you speak or what color your skin is.

I think a lot of the world searches in vain for happiness in ways that will not bring them happiness.

You have to take an active role in making yourself happy. That's why I say happiness is a choice. Because you have to choose it.

I have had almost every job under the sun, it feels like. One of the first jobs I took was as a door-to-door pest control salesman in Raleigh, North Carolina.

I have always been very entrepreneurial minded. Oftentimes, while I was sitting in class listening to my professor ramble on, I would think to myself: I could be out there making money right now.

I have always been very entrepreneurial minded. Oftentimes, while I was sitting in class listening to my professor ramble on, I would think to myself: 'I could be out there making money right now.'

I have so many e-mails from people who are like, 'I never knew a family could be happy like this... My parents hate each other. I hate my brother. We fight all the time. I never wanted to have kids before I saw your family.'

Being raised as an active member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, The Mormons, I became an Eagle scout, and after graduating high school, I went on a full-time church mission to the West Indies for 2 years.

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