The sun. I hate the sun.

Triple H was a big help to me.

I try not to think small minded.

I never had a concussion playing rugby.

No one has more charisma than me in WWE.

I like that I can stand out from the crowd.

Who wouldn't want to be involved in a movie?

Obviously, 'FIFA Football' was a big game for me.

I'm a whiskey drinker, but Cesaro is a coffee drinker.

I was the one who finally ended Daniel Bryan's career.

Gaelic football is a very Irish sport, which I played.

I have been in the spotlight, and I have been out of it.

One fella who has really impressed me is Big E Langston.

I'm not happy until I'm going forward and accomplishing goals.

I'm grand once I keep winning trophies. That's all that counts.

I feel like, since tagging with Cesaro, I've let my guard down.

I just want to go out there and have fun and entertain the crowd!

Well the truth is, Santino didn't beat me, because I beat myself.

A size 13 boot to the face has done wonders for my winning streak!

I actually had a 'Wrestlemania' game for the Omega back in the day.

I've gotten punched in the face before by Cena. His hands are like rocks.

With the Celtic Warrior thing, I wanted to convey a positive sense of Ireland.

I feel I've proved myself a lot more, showed my ability, showed what I can do.

I've been playing video games since the Commodore 64 when I was about 5 years old.

I didn't want to be one of these superstars that just come and then just disappear.

The thing about me and Cesaro is that we both have strong individual personalities.

The Celts were harder than anyone else, tougher, and rugged. We battered everybody.

I just couldn't believe I'd made my debut in WWE. It's what I'd always wanted to do.

I'm a history buff, so I've been reading lots of books on Irish and American history.

Us Irish are kind of like that: we're hard grafters. We like to prove everybody wrong.

As for personality, without a doubt, my favorite of all time is Macho Man Randy Savage.

It's always good to change and keep things fresh, whether it's a hairstyle or wardrobe.

I do have six anchors put in my labrum; I tore it in half, so it was pretty major surgery.

When you start out somewhere, you've got to get your feet wet. You got to find your place.

I'm either doing a show or in the gym or studying WWE videos or eating. I have to eat a lot.

With a gimmick, there isn't much substance. If you play to the crowd too much, it can go bad.

I was determined to make my name in the wrestling world no matter what sacrifices I had to make.

I would love to face the Million Dollar Man, Ted DiBiase. He is one of my favorites of all time.

The New York crowd is definitely one to voice their opinion. They can be very loud and boisterous.

When I look back at my career, I was always trying to be this particular 'Celtic Warrior' character.

I've been trying to learn Spanish, but it has been hard for me. It's a slow process, but I'm trying.

I'm an Irishman who came up from a small little country, followed his dream, and now I hold the title.

Every time I get into the ring, my perspective is that the other guy is standing between me and a victory.

As long as you are enjoying your wrestling and enjoying what you are doing, that's all that really matters.

It's really fun doing the 'Celtic Warrior Workouts,' as it just gives the fans a chance to see how we train.

I grew up playing games like 'War Zone' and the old 'Smackdown,' so I'm very excited to see myself in a game.

The record books aren't going to lie. They aren't going to say I sold out. They aren't going to say anything.

If you talk about natural ability, I think Apollo's probably the most naturally gifted athlete of the new era.

I'd love to play Venom. I'm a huge 'Spider-Man' fan, and Venom was the character that drew me into the comics.

My WWE career has been amazing. It took a lot of time for me to get here, and you never stop paying your dues.

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