I didn't go to college.

Sure I got a mouth on me.

I write about what I know.

I like to make great albums.

I like rules that are broken.

I just don't conform very well.

I was an opening act for 10 years.

I was singing before I could talk.

I can't stand too long of a record.

I like strength. I depend on my own.

I don't feel like taking anybody's money.

I am very picky about my people and my beer.

You can't roll a joint on an iPod, buy vinyl.

It's time for artists to take their music back.

I'm comfortable in my miseries. I have no choice.

I can't write about your pain; I only know my own.

Now I can make a thousand dollars a night at a club.

My band can tell you, I'd rather do anything than rehearse.

If you think too much about something, you're not feeling it.

I feel like I've kind of gotten to a peaceful place in my heart.

I was raised in South Alabama in the woods, y'know? I'm country.

I can find some way to make poetry out of my life's experiences.

I just had it with the corporate money, money, money label thing.

Well, I had a record deal since I was 18, and it got me where I am.

I'd like to thank my parents for always stressing, be an individual.

I insist on the truth. I surround myself with people who tell the truth.

I love the live cut part of making records the surprises are the prizes.

It is so killer to collaborate with someone who gets what you're trying to say.

It was hard to work and work and work and not get your music played on the radio.

I don't like modern country music. It's not what I'm into, is all. I'm old-school.

It's taken me years to embrace the softer elements of who I am and let that shine some.

Music should be poor. Music should be with out air conditioning. That's just the way it is.

I have always wanted to see what the vibe was like and I was right It's on the Vermillion Bayou.

What is happy? I think happy's in the moment. I don't think everybody can be happy all the time.

My drawings are another kind of music for me...they relax me and I think they all connect somehow.

I wanted to be a rock 'n' roll star. It defines life for me. It's all I've ever imagined for myself.

I can't tell you how freeing it is to have my own label. For the first time in my career, I have total control.

I don't think I've ever put it in words before. But daddy took a gun and ended his life and took momma's with him.

The only way to get ahead in the music business these days is to call up all your friends. To pool your resources.

The musings are the same I believe the fire to create burns so heavily that I am never far from a guitar or a fountain pen.

I have never had a problem letting a record go.Honestly when I'm making them, mixing them Honestly when I'm making them, mixing them.

So it's the greatest compliment in the world when people want to hear you sing. That means it feels good to them, so I keep doing it.

I don't talk about my personal life. But the relationships I've had have usually been with other musicians. It's just easier that way.

I love being a gypsy and getting on the bus with the band making sounds for the people who love and enjoy a night of Americana and good times.

You know, I'm trying to sometimes sit down and write some stories about my childhood and maybe one when I'm an old lady put them out like a book.

I think a lot of people think that my parents' deaths is why I write such sad songs, but that's not true. Those songs may just be the woman I am.

My thinking brain never stops my creative brain never stops so they wrestle a lot and get in fights sometimes they fight in the night and keep me up.

I am a late starter. I like to go on into the night when it's quiet and everything has shut down. I find that's where music and minds open in the dark.

Imagery is the most important to me when singing stories. I try to paint pictures with the words and decorate with little to no singing....let the song do the work.

Sometimes a song that didn't make one record will stay in my head for so long and just won't go away. I take that as a hint to keep 'em close and not forget about them.

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