There's a thing called game, and when you're out and you're trying to push up on a female and you're going, "Yo, I want to be your knight in shining armor," chances are you're going to get a drink on your face.

You know, I dont play the race card a lot. Im half-black, half-white, and Im proud of - my skin is brown. The world sees me as a black man, but my mother didnt raise me as a black man. She didnt raise me as a white guy.

There are days when I feel confident, and I feel like, 'OK, this outfit looks nice, I look good, I'm in shape.' But I'm never going to walk out the house trying to be sexy, because that to me is cheesy and not attractive.

You know, I don't play the race card a lot. I'm half-black, half-white, and I'm proud of - my skin is brown. The world sees me as a black man, but my mother didn't raise me as a black man. She didn't raise me as a white guy.

I think because people are passing - people that we are aware of are passing at - I don't say a great pace, but it seems like people are dropping, and I think it's just making - there's a consciousness and there's sensitivity to it.

I could describe my career in two words: who knew. I was on the path to becoming a professional baseball player, but I got injured in college. When I decided to move out to L.A. to try acting, nobody was betting on me, not even my family.

Because I could throw so hard when I got to college, they made me a pitcher. If I had to it all over again, I would have stuck to playing in the outfield. I loved running. I can catch everything in the outfield. I could throw people out from the fence.

I do like working out. I feel my best when I work out, but you know, I'm human. I like to ride my bicycle and lift weights and hike. When I am diligently working out, ideally, I like to work out four days a week. If I can do that, I feel good about myself.

It was truly a lesson in don't take something at face value. You know, so many of us do in life. Whether it's because of how somebody looks or because of what they're wearing or what have you, you kind of assess a person in the first five minutes before they even speak.

I want a partner in crime and a Bonnie to my Clyde. I've just been so focused on my career. Women don't like being number two, so I've been glad to keep my distance so I could focus on me, get my life together and take care of my mom without disappointing the woman I love.

I could describe my career in two words: who knew. I was on the path to becoming a professional baseball player, but I got injured in college. When I decided to move out to L.A. to try acting, nobody was betting on me, not even my family. But it's always been that way for me; nothing has come easy.

Although I have a lot of close female friends in my life, my number one is still my mom. Without her, I wouldn't have the values that I have and see the world the way that I do today. She taught me how to appreciate and respect women. She taught me chivalry and how to love a woman and respect their feelings and emotions.

People find it interesting to try to make me gay; I’m not gay. I went on vacation with two girlfriends of mine who, interestingly enough got cut out of the pictures. We found a nude beach, as far as I know, was a unisex beach…. We took off our clothes and jumped in the water. I’ve been trying to skinny dip since I was a teenager. I’m just grateful that the water was warm!

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