I am not a Suzy Homemaker.

I am terrible at remembering names.

My mother collects engagement rings.

No one wants to see my bits jiggling.

'Strictly' was my first job in TV ever.

Curvy women are gorgeous. All women are gorgeous.

I meditate and take time for controlled breathing.

I will never take any work or shopping for granted.

I definitely lack in self-esteem in my personal life.

I've had cancer cells removed from my womb several times.

Ever since I was a little girl I always wanted to be so perfect.

My whole life I've never felt, as a female, I was up to scratch.

When I got the Strictly' job it made sense to come back to England.

I'm not a judgmental person because I have been judged all my life.

I love ballroom dance, my favorite style being the Argentine Tango.

I'm proud of winning the British Open in 1983 when I was very young.

Without a stable mind, it's difficult for anything else to function.

I don't think anyone should assume anything about someone else's life.

What I've learned is Twitter is only a bubble - take it with a pinch of salt.

'Strictly' is so loved by the British public, I have always been a massive fan.

I had breast implants done to save my marriage. It was the sorriest day of my life.

I didn't overly have friends in L.A. I would work and come home and watch television.

I am an absolute clean freak and scrub things constantly; I am an over-perfectionist.

It doesn't seem very long ago I was a girl from a council estate with nothing but dreams.

I haven't got a green bone in my body. I have not got a jealous streak of any type at all.

I don't dwell, I'm not a dweller. I just like to keep moving forward, because life is short.

It's important to show your gratitude for where you are in your life and for those around you.

I decided to learn how to cook and cook I did. And I ate it all - and everyone else's food too.

Riches and fame don't come close to having family members and close friends who really care for you.

I like the table to be beautiful with flowers and a nice tablecloth. I'm the hostess with the mostess.

I'm a person who likes to live in the moment because yesterday's gone and tomorrow is promised to nobody.

Aside from dancing, the biggest and proudest moment of my whole entire life was when my son Mark was born.

I have a little piece of extra skin - a good inch - on the end of my chin that I play with like Silly Putty.

My mum has taught me that the clock is ticking and you have to enjoy every moment - you can not replace time.

People seem to think that, by the time you hit 45 or 50, you might as well just pack it in and call it a day.

I was engaged at 16 to Nigel Tiffany and he's now my financial adviser, so we've been friends all these years.

My favorite room in my house is my bedroom; my private space where I can go to do my reading or listen to music.

When I was with my second husband, I'd always paint my nails and go to bed with my make-up on; he loved all that.

If it's good-looking men you're after, the place to go is Italy. Every Italian I've ever come across is handsome.

If you use your time well and you have your health you are already a millionaire and everything else is secondary.

There was some bullying going on in my industry, which I felt particularly when I was growing up and as I got older.

As a child I was always busy, always throwing myself into something, whether it was the Brownies or a play at school.

I've been in an industry of glitz since I was a little girl. I'm always going to love to wear eveningwear and eyelashes.

If I was in a relationship again it would have to be with somebody that really cared about me, who was kind, caring and loving.

Ballroom is a man's world. It's tough for women, particularly single women. But I've never expected life to be anything but tough.

I think dancing was a way of showing your femininity and, through the years, your strength, because it's a male-dominated industry.

For Strictly,' when you go out on a Saturday, you want to look your best for the public. I can't go out there in my jogging bottoms.

When I met Corky, he was a cook, a chef. He never started dancing seriously until he was 21, which shows you can make it from any age.

My hairdresser Alan, who I've known since I began competing, lives with us, along with his husband Nathan, so I have my own gay gaggle.

If I could go back to my younger self, I would never have had the implants done. I feel relieved and I feel proud for removing them now.

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