I love pop music. Who doesn't?

I feel privileged, to be honest.

I have a temper on me that could hold back tides.

I plan on doing as much in my life as I possibly can.

Humans all want to beat the clock but nobody ever does.

I am greedy, and most importantly, game for what's next.

I'm afraid of happy people. They're chemically unbalanced.

We should never listen to our feelings. They lead us astray.

I'm a loud person; I love noise and aggression. I crave contact.

We're living in a time when people are struggling to appear perfect.

I've got no timetable. I'm sort of sick of timetables, to be honest.

Selling millions of albums is a sign you've infiltrated the culture.

People don't associate red hair, pale skin, and freckles with beauty.

No, I'm not Shirley the girl, I'm the woman on MTV with the big boots.

One day I realized that it didn't matter whether people loved me or not.

I'm 41, I'm a woman, not a kid. I have no interest in making silly pop music.

Mozart was a punk, which people seem to forget. He was a naughty, naughty boy.

I am naive. I make mistakes - But I don't give a rat's arse how I am perceived!

I feel the same way I did when I was in school. I'm having the same insecurities.

I don't find any kind of tension very productive, I find it destructive, actually.

I am laughably aggressive, and the rest of the band is very laid back, so we mix well.

I wanted to put out a solo record because I was stuck on a major label and sick of it.

What makes a woman stylish is what she has to say and how she chooses to live her life.

That's a difficult question, because to consider yourself a rebel is sort of ridiculous.

I say embrace the total geek in yourself and just enjoy it. Life is too short to be cool.

No, I like being a role model because I know how much comfort my musical idols brought me.

I've always been an outsider. I am an outsider in Garbage. I'm the odd one out by default.

Everybody's trying to be the biggest, because if you're not the biggest, you don't survive.

I am a contradictory mess but I see it as my prerogative to change my mood like the weather.

I want to hang out in Edinburgh with my friends and eat fish and chips wrapped in newspaper.

I mean, I tend to do my own thing, and that usually crosses purposes with everyone around me.

The truth is, I've always been wracked with self-loathing and terrible, paralysing depression.

I would say I'm pretty well at ease with my sexuality, but I'm an individual before I am a female.

I've got a lot of stamina and I enjoy people, so having lots of people around doesn't freak me out.

If you have any opinions at all or if you're even remotely verbal then they're going to call you fiery.

Somehow or another, my mother taught me to push through my fear, always. Feel the fear and do it anyway.

I just want to live my life a little freely and not adhere to any schedule - just make music and have fun.

If Jennifer Lopez could write songs like Fiona Apple's, she wouldn't have to spend so many hours at the gym.

I think women in pop have been declawed and defanged, and they're just meant to look pretty and sing pretty.

I think young artists are always inspiring because they are coming at worlds from a different point of view.

It's everywhere, constant criticism of women's appearance in magazines and online. It's not easy to navigate.

You don't really hear a female perspective on the radio, because so many of the songs are being written by men.

I want to hear an alternative viewpoint, and I don't want girls to be defanged and declawed and pretty and mute.

I like the feeling that I'm giving young women self-confidence. It sounds so cliched, but it can be very moving.

It's definitely an intrinsic part of my makeup that makes me want to see black when everyone else is seeing white.

You know, it doesn’t matter how beautiful you are, if you don’t have anything interesting to say, then you’re still boring.

I have women who offer to sleep with me all the time. But not men. They're all talk and nay action - as we'd say in Scotland.

I know lots of people who've never been lucky enough to get to this stage in their life. And I'm not gonna hide it for anybody.

I just am fascinated by other female artists, probably because I feel a kinship with them, no matter who they are and what they do.

In terms of fitting in, you know, I don't have a lot of armor up. I'm a raw nerve and it's really uncomfortable for a lot of people.

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