How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved.

How bold one gets when one is sure of being loved.

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the ...

One day, in retrospect, the years of struggle will strike you as the most beautiful.

Anatomy is destiny.

There are no mistakes.

The world is no nursery.

Without love we fall ill.

If you can't do it, give up!

We must love or we grow ill.

If youth knew; if age could.

Christmas is the alcoholidays

The goal of all life is death

The madman is a dreamer awake

The goal of all life is death.

Now it is nothing but torture.

One is very crazy when in love.

Not all men are worthy of love.

A strong egoism is a protection.

Where id was, there ego shall be.

If children could, if adults knew.

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.

All that matters is love and work.

Opposition is not necessarily enmity.

Time spent with cats is never wasted.

America is a mistake, a giant mistake.

Desire presses ever forward unsubdued.

The ego is not master in its own house.

Love is a state of temporary psychosis.

If it's not one thing, it's your mother.

The paranoid is never entirely mistaken.

dream is the dreamer's own psychical act.

A woman should soften but not weaken a man.

Where does a thought go when it's forgotten?

Dreams are the royal road to the unconscious.

That which we can't remember, we will repeat.

Religion is comparable to a childhood neurosis.

Religion (is) a universal obsessional neurosis.

History is just new people making old mistakes.

Neurosis is the inability to tolerate ambiguity.

Psychoanalysis is in essence a cure through love.

Yes, America is gigantic, but a gigantic mistake.

The only unnatural sexual behavior is none at all.

The voice of reason is small, but very persistent.

Maturity is the ability to postpone gratification.

Love and work, work and love...that's all there is.

I had thought about cocaine in a kind of day-dream.

From error to error one discovers the entire truth.

Religion: Something comparable to childhood neurosis

Love and work are the cornerstones of our humanness.

Love and work... work and love, that's all there is.

Smoking is indispensable if one has nothing to kiss.

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