I'm not overly greedy.

I dont believe in having regrets.

I don't believe in having regrets.

If I ever go bald, I'll kill myself.

I do all my interviews on the toilet.

My mom did costumes for the Pointer Sisters.

My dad is a huge rock n' roll lead guitar fan.

Risk isn't a word in my vocabulary. It's my very existence.

Guitars are like women. You'll never get them totally right.

A day doesn't go by where I don't get surprised by something.

I never want to draw attention to myself, but that's all I do.

I love classical music. It has left a major mark on my playing.

I'm not ridiculously wealthy, but I don't squander money either.

If I could hang out with Jimi Hendrix, it wouldn't be over dinner.

It's not so much about how good a player you are, its how cool you are.

It seems like a lot of what was going on when I quit is still going on.

I got into rock-and-roll because I wanted the chicks. The Dixie Chicks.

As for Guns N' Roses, I don't think there's ever a chance of a reunion.

Being a rockstar is the intersection of who you are and who you want to be.

I don't think there's anything better than hearing your favorite band live.

When we weren't being transcendent we specialized in self-inflicted disaster.

I do consider myself British. I have very strong feelings about my British heritage.


Rock n' roll is about attitude and rebellion. It's supposed to be fun and spontaneous.

I always loved rock guitar. I just never put it together that that's what I'd end up doing.

We had a really vast music collection and I was raised around rock'n'roll, it's just the way it was.

Whenever society gets too stifling and the rules too complex, there's some sort of musical explosion.

When it comes to actually writing, I like to write in a full room with the amps blasting, and a big drum set.

I had no aspirations to be a musician, but I picked up a guitar for two seconds and haven't put it down since.

I once asked Axl why he left the 'E' off his name. He started crying and said he thought he'd spelled it right.

That's a wonderful side effect of leather pants: when you pee yourself in them, they're more forgiving than jeans.

An anagram of Axl Rose is oral sex. Why do I know? Because when I'm not playing music I love solving erotic jumbles.

I think that was the whole idea behind doing the solo record was to be able to do musically whatever I wanted to do.

For me, the original Guns N' Roses is the embodiment of a certain kind of chemistry that really couldn't be duplicated.

I got the name Slash because I used to work in a grocery store and I was in charge of reducing prices for really big sales.

But if I was still trying to be in Guns N' Roses while I wasn't in the band... I wouldn't want to maintain an image like that.

Restlessness is a fickle catalyst; it can drive you to achieve or it can coax your demise, and sometimes the choice isn't yours

Drugs and sex go hand in hand when you're a rock and roll musician. Whereas if I were a violinist, it might be a little different.

Axl and I came from completely different backgrounds. Because of that we made an interesting pair trying to figure each other out.

A lot of vices that I've had over the years were always to make up for some sort of character deficiency, one of them being shyness.

You can't wait around for destiny to give you what you think you deserve, you have to earn it, even if you think you've paid your dues.

Notes and chords have become my second language and, more often than not, that vocabulary expresses what I feel when language fails me.

My dad is a huge rock and roll lead guitar fan. I didn't even really know that until recently. Everything has to have a guitar solo in it.

Guitar is the best form of self-expression I know. Everything else, and I'm just sort of tripping around, trying to figure my way through life.

[the best advice about women] was from Robert Evans. The line was in his book, but he told me, "When it comes to a woman's mind, I know nothing."

Axl [Rose] is not the type of person to make something up. So I was sort of shocked that he went that direction. That caused me a lot of problems.

I think when I was a kid, and I was in England and it was all about The Stones, The Who, The Kinks and The Beatles and that's what my dad was into.

Originally, I wanted to call the band 'Guns 'n Robots.' I still believe that if we had just called ourselves 'Guns 'n Robots' we'd still be together.

If you were a kid and you wanted to come out and make a statement now, you'd have to really dig deep to find something that no one has exposed already.

Directing is like guitar playing. That's a unique mind-set and talent, unto itself. I like the idea of putting everything together to make a great movie.

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