You get educated by traveling.

Dubai's a pretty powerful place.

I'm trying to cut down my cursing.

My ultimate beauty icon is Diana Ross.

Colors and prints are part of my style.

Motherhood is such an evolving journey.

I don't ever claim to be a hip-hop head.

In any relationship, there's gonna be conflict.

People from New Orleans are extremely prideful.

I stand for people who are firm in their journey.

I try to transition my energy into just having fun.

Both my parents are first-generation success stories.

What's important is that my family and I are all good.

I've always loved Dusty Springfield and Martha Reeves.

Beyonce adores my little boy. She takes him everywhere.

I'd rather be the cool aunt than the authoritative aunt.

Fashion is a strange world sometimes. Amazing, but strange.

I have more to offer than music that is automatically dance.

I can't take any credit for people dressing like me, you know?

Beyonce has set the tone as an aunt. I've set the tone as a mom.

My blog is actually all self-photography unless it's a photo shoot.

I'd rather be on the cast of 'Love & Hip-Hop' than 'Project Runway.'

I'm a fan of hip-hop and I love it, I by no means am an expert on it.

I have to learn how to say no a lot. Life is too short for anything else.

When you're younger, you get shoved a lot. You don't really have a say-so.

I felt like when I took my weave out, I wasn't pretty, I wasn't noticeable.

If a piece makes you look good and makes it easier to get dressed, it wins.

I'm not very good at writing songs when I have a lot of clutter in my mind.

I don't feel like I owe anybody other than my child and my family anything.

I think all artists have a different story to tell, and no story is the same.

Every mom believes her kid's school doodles are amazing, and I'm no different.

As an artist, everybody has the opportunity to celebrate and speak their truth.

Style is the way we communicate who we are to people before we open our mouths.

I feel like I was 30 when I was 17, and I decided to get married and have a baby.

Through style, you can communicate to the world who you are and what you stand for.

We are getting an education of a lifetime. We're actually out there in the real world.

Luckily, I dated all of the losers ages ago. My love life has been stable for a while.

Anytime fashion and music go hand-in-hand and it really is an organic fit, it's amazing.

I have a lot of guy-like quintessential relationship qualities that I have had to work on.

I'm happy that I have a beautiful, wonderful, amazing child who's made me a better person.

I love hip-hop. I have gone through many difference phases in my love affair with hip-hop.

I grew up seeing my sister in the studio. I would go to recording sessions and take notes.

It's really special to have a niece because I have a son, so I get to have a little girl, too.

I wear short shorts. After 10 years of strenuous ballet, it's the least my legs can do for me.

I have always had tremendous respect for my sister as an artist, as a woman, and now as a mother.

It's so sad, actually, how teachers and parents tell their kids, 'You're never gonna be anything.'

I'm super-sensitive when it comes to my sister. I've been known to snap off a little bit behind her.

Any decision I make is based on myself, and the only person I have to give an explanation to is God.

You have Vampire Weekend who have more African references musically than most African-American artists.

I'm not sure if it's cause I'm getting old, but my heels have to be 3.5 inch or less, or a chunky heel.

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