I love being called a fashion icon!

I'm a bad girl. I always fall for good guys.

Indian men don’t understand fashion unless they are gay.

I don't compete with actresses; I only compete with heroes.

Ash has worked with my dad, so I have to call her Aunty, na?

I have aspirations to conquer the world. Let's see what happens.

Indian junk food is my sin, even though I pretend to like Japanese.

I don’t spend much because a lot of it is freebies. Though, usually, I pay.

For me, a holiday is about taking a book and going to a mountain and reading.

If you're not good looking, you're considered a good actor, you know what I mean?

I have an unending shoe closet. In fact, I don't even know how many shoes I have.

Art reflects society. Cinema doesn't dictate - you portray what the society demands.

I always admired the beautiful stars of Hollywood and dreamt of becoming one of them.

I have eclectic taste, and I love vintage style mixed with glamour and old world charm.

I always do things that are not the flavour of the season. And that's why people like me.

I don't fear failure because if you don't fail, you would not know the secret of success.

I think every single imperfection adds to your beauty. I'd rather be imperfect than perfect.

I think live-in relations are for people who are not sure, and to an extent commitment phobic.

Style is an expression of your individuality. Who you are and what your mood is, is what you wear.

Being in love is the best feeling on the planet. I really believe that love makes the world go round.

I like bad boys... not really bad, but men with an edge... they should be clean but have that streak.

I am Anil Kapoor's daughter, so I am always compared with legends. It is a part and parcel of my life.

I love Italian fashion - the sense of style that Italians have as part of their DNA. Nobody is like them.

You marry out of free will. If I marry, it will be from a personal choice, not some social compulsion or norm.

Anushka Sharma is a dear friend; as is Jacqueline Fernandez. They always stand by me for support when it’s needed

So many women are financially dependent on men. So why can't men be dependent on women? I'm totally okay with it.

Thanks to my father, I didn't have to face the tough side of life. Probably that's why I always chose love over money.

I am naive when it comes to love, you know what I mean? I do believe in falling in love at first sight and things like that.

I always believe that it's better to be idealistic in love than be that cynic. That's the only way to survive a relationship.

I am considered an icon at the age of 20 when people like after 40s or after they die are considered icons. It's just amazing!

As actors, we want to choose somebody who has conflicts. I can't be always playing the girl next door. What's the challenge in that?

I am trying to be a girl who is real and has an opinion. Might say stupid things but not scared of men, and for me that's important.

I'd like to have a successful marriage, not for the sake of labelling or branding, but because I believe in the institution of marriage.

I love dressing up. I have people helping me with it. I am not going to take credit for that. I have a stylist, make-up and hair stylist.

Style is all about being comfortable. I don't believe in following a style because it is a trend. I need to be comfortable in my clothes.

I've always acted; in fact, I can't remember a time when I was not. When I was little, cinema was a game, then my father's job and now mine.

Anytime I fall in love, I feel it's a first time. I have had no successful love story yet. I hope I will succeed next time when I fall in love.

Opposites generally create intense chemistry. There are more chances of fireworks when different people are together than similar personalities.

I feel I am lucky. I am grateful for this life that God has given me. I am happy, as I am getting to do work that I want to do and enjoy doing it.

It's unfortunate when people say you can't wear skirts or do item numbers, or a girl can't dress in a certain way. Are we going back to dark ages?

I think most couples drift apart because of comparisons. Unfortunately, in our society a perfect match is when the man is more successful than the woman.

I don't want to be the biggest superstar. I want to be good at my job, and I want my work to go down in posterity. I am working for the longevity of my career.

In a lot of ways, if I were ambitious about anything - besides my career - I'd be ambitious about love. Ambitious in the sense that I really hope to find true love.

Be it a trip to the dentist, getting an injection or even coming home with a good report card, my reward always had to be a book. I didn't care much for anything else.

I know people who enjoy having 10 people running around and doing things for them. I don't. I feel awkward in such situations. It gives you a false sense of importance.

Indian women love to dress up like princesses. In India, people still go to the market to buy fabrics, garments are made-to-order, and friends come with you to the fittings.

When I get into relationships, I'm an all-or-nothing person. I just completely give in to the person. It becomes my first priority in life; family, friends and career follow.

I don't shoot two films at the same time. I finish one character and get into another character because I change my look for every film. It's difficult, but I enjoy doing that.

I like to save people, to take care of them... So, the pattern is that I date guys before they become big, and then they become successful and - whoops - there goes my project!

I like potential in people. If I find someone who has lot of potential and can do something with life, then I don't see bank balance, which family he comes from, or his religion.

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