Old age and the passage of time teach all things.

Old age and the passage of time teach all things.

Who seeks shall find.

Time is a kindly God.

In season, all is good.

The truth is ever best.

The end excuses any evil.

To revive sorrow is cruel.

Evil counsel travels fast.

Ill-gotten gains work evil.

Wisdom outweighs any wealth.

No lie ever reaches old age.

A lie never lives to be old.

Despair often breeds disease.

The good befriend themselves.

Thou shalt not ration justice.

Stranger in a strange country.

Success is dependent on effort.

Without labor nothing prospers.

Success is the reward for toil.

Success is dependant on effort.

The tyrant is a child of pride.

Truth is always straightforward.

Great Time makes all things dim.

Evil gains work their punishment.

I write a woman's oaths in water.

Trust dies but mistrust blossoms.

Kindness gives birth to kindness.

Kids are anchors of mothers' life

Love, you mock us for your sport.

Wise thinkers prevail everywhere.

Silence is an ornament for women.

Nobody loves life like an old man.

Everything is ideal to its parent.

It is not righteousness to outrage

Kindness begets kindness evermore.

Gentle time will heal our sorrows.

No enemy is worse than bad advice.

Be a thrifty steward of thy goods.

Let a man nobly live or nobly die.

What men have seen they know. . . .

Unwanted favours gain no gratitude.

Knowledge must come through action.

Best to live lightly, unthinkingly.

Even a poor man can receive honors.

The gods love those of ordered soul.

No one who errs unwillingly is evil.

Trouble brings trouble upon trouble.

Ugly deeds are taught by ugly deeds.

God's dice always have a lucky roll.

Laziness is the mother of all evils.

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