Vogue is my best mate.

I was always pretty selfish.

Ariana Grande is very attractive.

I try to be friendly to everyone.

If I want something, I go for it.

Good family time means everything.

I'm really picky with my girlfriends.

Oh, I can't stand reality television.

I don't really consider myself a stud.

I'm a sucker for a good sense of humor.

My celebrity crush is Princess Jasmine.

I've always had to work to pay my bills.

My ideal night is spending it in with Vogue.

I just want to look like an underwear model.

I always like to think I eat quite carefully.

When you lose someone, their memory lives on.

I've never watched any of the shows I've done.

The Lion King is one of my favorite stories ever.

I've never been dumped, but I'm sure it will happen.

I used to work in hotels and have very fond memories.

The Irish are just good people, they always have been.

I feel as though going into middle age really suits me.

When I was 17, I had to peel 100 kg of tomatoes every day.

I'm a chilled out guy but if needs be the claws can come out.

It's important to have chemistry and get on well with someone.

I've never been the kind of guy who finds attention irritating.

It's important for every child to have a bit of a naughty streak.

My aim is sustainable fat loss and so I've opted for carb cycling.

If I could marry Vogue every year, I would, but two weddings will do.

Don't take relationships seriously unless you're willing to be serious.

I always cry when Mufasa dies in 'The Lion King.' I just can't handle it.

I've enjoyed every day of sobriety and I felt so much better immediately.

I'm far more interested in being a successful entrepreneur than being famous.

My mother and father have always drilled in to me that work is very important.

My relationship in the past with alcohol has been both good fun and unhealthy.

The only people I truly trust are my family and a very close group of my friends.

It is very difficult to trust anyone and I always find that hard in relationships.

I drink a lot of coffee. I don't know if it's good for you, but I drink a lot of it.

My dad is a mechanic from Sheffield and my grandmother lives in Rotherham, bless her.

I will try and become a very empathetic person because I do think that's a nice trait.

Sobriety has opened my mind and unlocked parts of me that I didn't even realize existed.

I'm not a particularly private person, it doesn't bother me when things about me come out.

My brother and I have both dated a wide range of girls and not all of them have been posh.

I feel social media is so damaging to young people, I see it as being extremely dangerous.

My family is extremely close and will always be with each other, and I want that for myself.

I look more for something within someone and I don't care where they come from - even Essex!

I wake up and I say to myself 'How can I delight Vogue?' and usually I succeed pretty quickly.

When I was young, all I wanted to do was go to nightclubs, drink, have fun and be unproductive.

If you're an adult who takes 'Made in Chelsea' seriously, I suggest you take a look at yourself.

I'm no parenting guru. I suppose you just take everyday as it comes and do what you think is best.

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