I don't want to be fake.

I make love to pressure.

I love wearing my jewelry.

I got fined for talking to myself.

I'm never going to settle for losing.

My confidence in myself is unbelievable.

Mike Brown is a guy I definitely respect.

When things are not fair, I speak my mind.

I played quarterback, safety and receiver.

We all know LeBron's IQ is on another planet.

I'm not going to let Kobe throw elbows at me.

You have to listen to the people who employ you.

Responsibilities have weighed on me my whole life.

I'm going to support my teammates. I'm a team guy.

How many people can say that they've punched a fan?

I am Port Arthur. I'm the president of Port Arthur.

I'm an assassin on the court. And at home, I'm a nun.

Before 2 Chainz got big, he used to sleep on my couch.

Tim Duncan and Steve Smith made me feel like an All-Star.

It's not too many people who play the game harder than me.

First, I don't talk to Derek Fisher. He's not my type of guy.

At the end of the day, if you're not against racism, you're racist.

A team like Golden State makes you change your lineup a little bit.

My whole career, I've never had no serious injuries or no surgeries.

I'm a grown man. I have six kids. I'm married now. So I speak my mind.

I don't want to be a guy who's just sitting on the bench stealing money.

I never met a dollar that could change me. Been the same guy since day one.

I love playing basketball more than I love getting fined and getting suspended.

It's hard for any man to take something thrown at his face and not to retaliate.

There's no time for being babies or being scared. If you're scared, go to church.

I'm not stupid. I mean, I didn't go to college but I've got a lot of common sense.

My reputation is the main reason why a lot of things don't go my way on the court.

That's the definition of a teammate, being together, being there for your teammate.

I say what I want to say when I feel like it, regardless of what the consequence is.

No, I get techs because I want to; I don't care. I'm not getting techs for no reason. It happens.

Being from the South, I was really into Southern rap, but I listened to a lot of stuff from all over.

I was the best basketball player, the only thing good in my hometown so everybody did everything for me.

When I lost my brother, it kind of messed me up because in my city, I know everybody. I kind of felt untouchable.

I've been at the bottom. I've lost loved ones, I've lost best friends, but that's part of life. I don't hide that.

I want to be part of a team that wants to win. Guys that are trusting each other, guys that don't mind playing hard.

God chose me for a reason. My momma tells me that every day. I know there's a million people who want to be in my shoes.

Anytime you want to take time off from a job that millions of brothers work so hard to get here, that's not being humble.

George Karl's son probably wouldn't have made it to the NBA if he wasn't a coach. He would have never got the opportunity.

But I'm going to play with the same passion and desire every night, and nobody's going to change that. Not referees. Nobody.

The best day of my life was when I turned 25. That's the day my car insurance went down. Yeah, boy, I saved $1,200 that day.

I was raised that if I'm with you and we get in a fight, I'm going to help you. We're going down together. That's how it goes.

It's easy to go out there and fight and scratch and play and sweat and bleed for guys that you consider your friends, your brothers.

Who creates a fake page? If I want to respond to a person on social media, it has to come from my page with the verified check on it.

I grew up on Geto Boys and of course UGK, who put my hometown of Port Arthur, Texas, on the map. I was about Goodie Mob and OutKast too.

I think Don King has always been an idiot in my mind. He's always been about money. I don't think he cares about anything else but himself.

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