Death is perfectly safe. (55)

There is nothing to do but be.

We've all been should upon enough.

Death is just a change in lifestyles.

Relate to the fear, not just from it. (50)

Our work is to keep our hearts open in hell.

Always try to see yourself through God's eyes.

Whatever prepares you for death enhances life.

Love is not what we become but who we already are

Go to the truth beyond the mind. Love is the bridge.

I have never lived a life so much larger than death. (93)

Healing comes when we meet our wounded places with compassion.

It doesn't matter how long you forget, only how soon you remember!

What is it like after you die? Just like it was before you were born.

To heal is to touch with love that which we previously touched with fear.

The mind creates the abyss. The heart crosses over it. Love is the bridge.

[D]etachment means letting go and nonattachment means simply letting be. (95)

The only service you can do for anyone is to remind them of their true nature.

How soon will we accept this opportunity to be fully alive before we die? (88)

If you can find the God inside yourself, you can find the God inside everybody.

If sequestered pain made a sound, the atmosphere would be humming all the time.

Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me. There is nothing to do but be.

Understanding is the ultimate seduction of the mind. Go to the truth beyond the mind.

Meditation isn't to disappear into the light. Meditation is to see all of what we are.

That which is impermanent attracts compassion. That which is not provides wisdom. (116)

The saddest part about being human is not paying attention. Presence is the gift of life.

Acting from the appropriateness of the heart, we are freed from the neediness of the mind.

Healing is bringing mercy and Awareness into that which we have held in judgment and fear.

Meditation allows us to directly participate in our lives instead of living life as an afterthought.

God is not someone or something separate but is the suchness in each moment, the underlying reality.

Our suffering is caused by holding on to how things might have been, should have been, could have been.

When we see all women as the divine mother and all men as the divine father, everyone you meet is sacred.

When the heart acknowledges how much pain there is in the mind, it turns like a mother toward a frightened child.

When your fear touches someone’s pain, it becomes pity, when your love touches someone’s pain, it become compassion.

Letting ourselves be forgiven is one of the most difficult healings we will undertake. And one of the most fruitful. (79)

It is trust in our vast 'don't know' that allows room for the truth, that allows the next intuition to float to the surface.

Simply touching a difficult memory with some slight willingness to heal begins to soften the holding and tension around it. (74)

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call to make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

Grief can have a quality of profound healing because we are forced to a depth of feeling that is usually below the threshold of awareness.

If you were going to die soon and had only one phone call you could make, who would you call and what would you say? And why are you waiting?

When we turn to our innate wisdom for the harmony of mind and gut, we heal the entrance to the heart as it seeks to beat in rhythm with the world.

Loss is the absence of something we were once attached to. Grief is the rope burns left behind, when that which is held is pulled beyond our grasp.

Buddha left a road map, Jesus left a road map, Krishna left a road map, Rand McNally left a road map. But you still have to travel the road yourself

Quoting son, Noah Levine: Once you see what the heart really needs, it doesn’t matter if you’re going to live or die, the work is always the same. (25)

In Chinese, the word for heart and mind is the same -- Hsin. For when the heart is open and the mind is clear they are of one substance, of one essence.

Your distance from your partner is the distance from your heart. The things that make relationships difficult are some of the most precious aspects to us.

Our addiction to always being right is a great block to the truth. It keeps us from the kind of openness that comes from confidence in our natural wisdom.

Oxygen plays a pivotal role in the proper functioning of the immune system. We can look at oxygen deficiency as the single greatest cause of all diseases.

Nothing is more natural than grief, no emotion more common to our daily experience. It's an innate response to loss in a world where everything is impermanent.

We are so numb we don't even know what a direct experience is. We have an experience, then we think about it and we think the thinking about it is the experience.

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