My parents are Hungarian.

Abolish the monarchy. That is my populist take.

Factories are often at the heart of a community.

I'm an unelected adviser. I can't insist on my way.

I am the host of 'The Next Revolution' on Fox News.

Brexit was, at its heart, about democracy and sovereignty.

Surely everyone can agree that immigration should be controlled.

When Corbyn was elected, I found there was a lot to welcome there.

President Trump is the first western leader in 50 years to stand up to China.

Even when they are trying to deceive the voters, the Democrats are incompetent.

There's an ideological belief on the left that you should not use nonpartisan tools.

What typically happens in government is the exact opposite of how things should work.

I'd love to have Bernie Sanders and Donald Trump together. How amazing would that be?

Mayors are accountable in the way a council is not. Who can name their local councillor?

Bernie Sanders is a serious person with a lifetime of consistent campaigning on principle.

With President Trump, we've seen the lowest ever African-American and Hispanic unemployment.

In the spring of 2012, I moved to the San Francisco bay area with my wife and two young sons.

Straight out of college, I worked at the Conservative Party but that was just a couple of years.

I'm in favour of entrepreneurial, risk-taking businesses that create great products and services.

Our democracies are increasingly captured by a ruling class that seeks to perpetuate its privileges.

It's hard to pin me down because I'm a bit of Bernie Sanders, a bit of Rand Paul, bit of John Kasich.

Elizabeth Warren never stops raising the alarm about climate change and raging about the billionaires.

The Democrats' obsession with scandal is out of touch and decadent. People want substance, not scandal.

We didn't move here so I could save American democracy. But I've embraced it with the zeal of a convert.

Leaving the E.U. enables the U.K. to be more engaged with the global economy, not just the European economy.

Establishment idiots say the Trump tax cuts only helped the rich. Don't they understand anything about economics?

For years we've had leaders who promised to end America's costly wars, only to cave in to the establishment view.

A lot of the foundational philosophical approaches of tech leaders are actually all about decentralization of power.

The entire debate around a 'No Deal' Brexit assigns a vastly overstated importance to the role of government in daily life.

In America, economic, cultural and political power is dispersed. In the U.K., centralisation is a gift to the vested interests.

Most countries in the world are not in the E.U. I think Britain, the world's fifth largest economy, can cope with life outside.

China never had good intentions. Since the late 1980s, its stated aim has been world domination, technologically and militarily.

What's not OK is using government policy and taxpayer dollars to push for an investigation if the motivation is purely political.

I do not own a cellphone; I do not use a cellphone. I do not have a phone. No. Phone. Not even an old-fashioned dumb one. Nothing.

I don't think for one second anyone believes the 'Washington Post' and 'New York Times' are anything but aggressively against Trump.

After Trump, it will be a different Republican party... and for American workers, families, and communities, that is fantastic news.

Rudy Giuliani was a great mayor and a great leader, but he has turned into an unmitigated - and now, it seems, unethical - disaster.

For decades, without so much as a peep from the Trump-hating establishment, China manipulated its currency and stole American technology.

I don't really care much about what the top one per cent earn. The gap we ought to care about in wealth is between the middle and the bottom.

There are a number of people who are not in the workforce who have given up looking for jobs, and that's the real economic crisis in America.

Membership of the E.U. makes Britain literally ungovernable, in the sense that no administration elected by the people can govern the country.

Whatever else people knew about Donald Trump going into 2016, it was obvious he was strong. He said what he thought, no matter who it offended.

I think much of the media is decadent in the sense that the people who are producing the coverage, they themselves live very comfortable lives.

Joe Biden is compromised by China. He has taken billions of dollars from the Chinese government in the form of payments to his son's businesses.

The left has become increasingly dogmatic on immigration. Any position short of supporting open borders is described as racist. That's nonsensical.

My old boss, former British prime minister David Cameron, thought Obama was one of the most narcissistic, self-absorbed people he'd ever dealt with.

Winston Churchill famously said that meeting jaw-to-jaw is better than war. With Trump, the strategy seems to be jobs jobs jobs - at home and abroad.

Most of the time, I get around perfectly well on my bike and public transportation, even in spite of the Bay Area's almost comically shambolic system.

The Trump economy is fundamentally strong and delivering good jobs and higher earnings for the working Americans who suffered in the years of stagnation.

Forget about war or disease or poverty. The apocalypse is when America's elected president is no longer supervised by the unelected ruling establishment.

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