There's never been an era absent of demagogues.

Elections are about the voters who vote in them.

The price for independence is often isolation and solitude.

Politicians have an acutely honed instinct for self-preservation.

My fidelity is to my country, not my political party. Country first.

But I'm not particularly aligned with the Democratic Party's policy agenda.

I've been involved in a lot of victories and I've been involved in defeats.

The government is corrupted. It's corrupted. It is not about regular people.

If you hang around politics long enough, you tend to get disappointed by people.

I love little kids, I hate little kids being used by cynical politicians, though.

Liberal democracy is in regression all over the world, and it's a dangerous thing.

My role in Palin is something that there's not a day that has gone by that I don't have regret about.

I profoundly believe that the Democratic Party is the only vehicle we have to put a check on Donald Trump.

I'm personally supportive of marriage equality for gay couples and I believe that it will happen over time.

I think the notion of Sarah Palin being president of the United States is something that frightens me, frankly.

It's gratifying to work for somebody who doesn't measure accomplishment by the temporary state of public-opinion polls.

I think there are really serious problems in this country and I think politics in a lot of ways is failing the country.

Trump is what the Russians call a useful idiot, someone in service to the Russian Federation, either unwitting or wittingly.

I don't want to sit here and disparage Paul Ryan the man, because he's a good guy. He's a moral person. He's a decent person.

When Trump was elected, there were three parties in Washington: the Trump party, the Democratic Party and the Republican Party.

Conservatism accomplished a lot of its goals in the latter part of the 20th century. What does 21st-century conservatism look like?

Whether you're Democrat or Republican... you want everybody who's eligible to vote to vote, and that's how you want to win elections.

A mark of stupidity is a belief that one party is totally virtuous and correct on the issues while the other is evil and always wrong.

It's part of the mythology now in the Republican Party that there's widespread voter fraud all across the country. In fact, there's not.

Great Daniel Patrick Moynihan said that everyone`s entitled to their own opinions, but not their own facts. I`m not sure that`s true anymore.

So the Republican party of Teddy Roosevelt and John McCain and Ronald Reagan and George W. Bush is dead. It's over. It doesn't exist anymore.

For there to be new growth of a conservative movement, of a right center party, the one that I joined in 1988, it needs to burn to the ground.

Politics always fascinated me. In my 20s, I was involved in politics and, as I look in the mirror, not for the noblest of purposes. It was for sport.

I've spent my life in the Republican party, it gives me no pleasure to say this. This party has demonstrated a complete incapacity to govern. Period.

The country badly needs to have a right-of-center political party, grounded in traditional values that the Republican Party represented till it didn't.

For there to be any redemption of a right of center conservative party in the United States of America means the party of Trump must be destroyed politically.

A lot of people like me who worked in Republican politics had a personal set of beliefs on issues that were at variance with the candidates that we worked for.

Look, this CPAC convention is increasingly the Star Wars bar scene of the conservative movement. All that’s missing from that convention is a couple of Wookies.

I've certainly done more than my fair share of pouncing on a stupid issue to win the news cycle of the day, to distract from what are real and important issues.

I do think there is every potential in 2010 and 2012 to begin to see independent candidates who are capturing a significant percentage of the vote and even win.

One of the things I'm keen on doing is really revealing the degree to which the conservative movement, and by extension the Republican Party, has become a racket.

That could be the issue that the party - that the party faces as we get ready to potentially nominate someone who`s utterly unelectable in a general election contest.

Mitch McConnell has, as much as anyone, done great damage to the United States Senate as an institution that was once known as the world's greatest deliberative body.

John Kerry's campaign attacks on gas prices ignore the reality of Kerry's long record of supporting higher gas prices and blocking the president's comprehensive energy plan.

The reality is that our Founders always predicted that one day there would be a president like Trump, and that's why they designed the system of government the way they designed it.

Even as people take pride in their national independence, we know we are becoming more and more interdependent." Bill Clinton "The price for independence is often isolation and solitude.

I would find it difficult to be involved in an effort that I think disenfranchises people from a fundamental right. How do you work with people who are opposed to marriage equality? I don't want to do it.

One of the things that is for sure unique, we have never seen in this country a billion dollar propaganda industry in full service and in absolute control of an administration in the way that FOX News is.

I just want to say about Beto O'Rourke and Andrew Gillum, I mean, every superhero has to have the right nemesis. And for Beto O'Rourke, he's been very lucky in his choice of oppositional villains to run against.

Your average Republican member of Congress, if you played a word association game with them and said, 'Latino,' they're going to respond 'illegal immigrant,' as opposed to 'sergeant major' or 'surgeon' or 'professor.'

Birtherism is a fringe issue that's way out of the mainstream, and it's disturbing when you see people you... have some level of respect for, whether it's members of Congress or even Donald Trump, falling into that category.

We have 57 choices of ketchup and 500 TV channels. Very nearly everything has been disrupted in the country, from how we buy groceries to how we consume news, except for the system that produces the political leadership of the country.

John Kerry's newfound interest in fiscal discipline is a political gimmick that defies his 20-year record in the Senate and stands in stark contrast to his reckless and expansive promises of new government spending on the campaign trail.

What destroyed the Republican Party isn't Trump. It's the obedience to Trump from servile leaders like McConnell and Ryan who could have put a check on him. They have gotten their place in political history. They'll be remembered as vile.

Trump makes no pretense about being the commander in chief of all of the country, being president of all of the people, including the people who voted against him. He is, in effect, a tribal chieftain who has declared war on half of the country.

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