In the land of ideas, you are always renting.

Lying is like alcoholism. You are always recovering.

I'm a grinder. I'll beat you because I will not sleep.

What are the stories you want people to tell about you?

I tend to be drawn more to people than pure story ideas.

There's a difference between failures and things that are bad.

The traditional models for success are just also disappearing.

A movie is something you see, cinema is something that’s made.

I had more fun making Traffic than either of the Ocean's films.

I recently decided that I'm not an originator. I'm a synthesist.

It's a world in which people's motives are questionable and shadowy.

Maybe I'll paint, do photography, just something else. I can see that.

If you can find interesting ways to be clear, you're really onto something.

I try to focus on the stuff that I can control and let go of the other stuff.

Castro, without question, is one of the smartest politicians that's ever walked.

You can't get good at anything unless you do it day in and day out, over and over.

The key to making good movies is to pay attention to the transition between scenes.

I'm not going to spend two years of my life on something that I'm not excited about.

Everything is the director's fault - you can quote me on that. There are no excuses.

Nobody's talking about movies the way they're talking about their favorite TV shows.

I like to make all kinds of movies. I'd do 'Ocean's Thirteen' with the right script.

I'm of the minority opinion that presidents should be given more power for less time.

To me the director’s job is to leave it in better shape than you found it, literally.

To me the director's job is to leave it in better shape than you found it, literally.

I stopped reading reviews about my own movies. I read stuff about other people's movies.

I like a lot of different kinds of movies, I like a lot of different kinds of paintings.

Another thing that really excites me: I'd like to do multiple versions of the same film.

Your take on things is what is either going to make you somebody people talk about or no.

Never had a cup of coffee in my life. Dr Pepper is my caffeine delivery system of choice.

A Movie That Costs Only $1.6 Million Doesn't Have to Be a Cultural Event to Turn a Profit.

When things go right it's hard to figure out why, but when things go wrong it's really easy.

I don't consider myself to be particularly gifted in the way that other filmmakers are gifted.

When you're sent something and read it, either you can see it while you read it, or you can't.

I like to know where I am. I don't like the kind of cutting where you don't know where you are.

Making a film that's supposed to be fun to watch is really hard - that's the weird irony of it.

In Full Frontal and K Street, I learned to take advantage of the mobility that digital provides.

You don't go make 'Schizopolis' if you're trying to protect some idea of yourself as a filmmaker.

The key is, if youre not monkeying around with the script, then everything usually goes pretty well.

The key is, if you're not monkeying around with the script, then everything usually goes pretty well.

It's become absolutely horrible the way the people with the money decide they can fart in the kitchen.

When a film like Chris Nolan's Memento cannot get picked up, to me independent film is over. It's dead.

If you're sitting around thinking what other people think about your work, you'll just become paralysed.

I'm a big believer that if there's something you really want to do, don't walk away because of the deal.

The key is, how do you feel with the one asshole? They cannot be talked to. That's why they are assholes.

I suppose I could try to be some avant-garde artist if I wanted to, but that doesn't interest me as much.

I'm not a snob. If I feel like there's a star that's the best person for that role, then that's who I get.

My working life is me doing what I want to do. This is that. I've made movies that people don't go to see.

My first three movies, I didn't start editing until we were finished shooting. That's unthinkable to me now.

People like Chris Nolan are shooting isolated sequences in IMAX. Those cameras are the size of a Volkswagen.

You’re supposed to expand your mind to fit the art, you’re not supposed to chop the art down to fit your mind.

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