Here is my music. It is all I have to tell you how I feel. Know that your love keeps my love strong.

Sometimes I wish I could drive a car, but I'm gonna drive a car one day, so I don't worry about that.

I feel thankful to God, first and foremost, allowing me to enjoy this 'smell the roses' kind of thing.

Trying your best to bring the water to your eyes, thinking it might stop her from woopin' your behind.

I know that there'll be a continuation of making the world more accessible for people with disabilities.

I listen a lot to rap, and I'm inspired to take it, to use it in another way, to get the message across.

Those yesterdreams were just a cruel and foolish game we used to play, yester-me, yester-you, yesterday.

I always wanted my mother to be Queen for a Day. I always used to watch that show that came on television.

My father really was not the dominant person who raised the family, it was my mother who raised the family.

There are people who have let the problems of today lead them to conclude that for them life is not the way.

One of many joyful moments with BB King was him letting me play 'Lucille.' ...The thrill will never be gone.

Clearly, love is love, between a man and a woman, a woman and a man, a woman and a woman and a man and a man.

My mother told me, if you call yourself 'Little' Stevie Wonder, you'd better be as good as Little Willie John.

Now some folks say that we should be glad for what we have. Tell me, would you be happy in Village Ghetto Land?

No one has been a greater advocate for the power of love in this world than I; both in my life and in my music.

We know the things that are not good and are right. Those things that we know are wrong, we've got to fix them.

Families buying dog food now, starvation roams the streets. Babies die before their born, infected by the grief.

For the most part, I feel really comfortable with what I've given to the people. I want to give it to them again.

We have to truly become a united people of the United States of America, and divisiveness cannot make that happen.

The most important thing is, when I do give the music, I'm satisfied with it, that it speaks for what I want to do.

As a matter of fact, wherever I find that law exists, I will not perform in that state or in that part of the world.

My mother had a rule, obviously, that I couldn't go across the street by myself, but I had to find a way of doing it.

When I wrote the words and I have the music, I felt, wow, you know, this has got to be right. I got to sing it right.

There're songs to make you smile, there're songs to make you sad. But with a happy song to sing it never seems as bad.

Smoking cigarettes and writing something nasty on the wall, teacher sends you to the Principal's office down the hall.

Gods induction, life's construction, these instruct will save every living thing. Can't you see that life's connected?

Life has meaning only in the struggle. Triumph or defeat is in the hands of the Gods. So let us celebrate the struggle!

Hold onto your dreams 'cause they're always worth havin'. Hold on to your dreams til the day your life is said and done.

Sometimes, I feel I am really blessed to be blind because I probably would not last a minute if I were able to see things.

You are the sunshine of my life That's why I'll always be around, You are the apple of my eye, Forever you'll stay in my heart

Call up, ring once, hang up the phone to let me know you made it home. Don't want nothing to be wrong with my part time lover.

When the truths of love are planted firm, they won't be hard to find. And words of love I speak to you will echo in your mind.

I might sing a gospel song in Arabic or do something in Hebrew. I want to mix it up and do it differently than one might imagine.

Music, at its essence, is what gives us memories. And the longer a song has existed in our lives, the more memories we have of it.

Do you know, it's funny, but I never thought of being blind as a disadvantage, and I never thought of being black as a disadvantage.

We're not living in a one-dimensional society. You can't just talk about, you know, the horrible things in life and the destruction.

My thing was always trying to do as much as I possibly could do. I wanted to do all the things the other kids did in the neighborhood.

For did my dreams come true when I looked at you. And maybe too, if you would believe, you too might be overjoyed, over loved, over me.

When you feel your life's too hard, just go have a talk with God. Well, he's the only free psychiatrist that's known throughout the world.

Shattered dreams, worthless years, here I am encased in a hollow shell. Life began, then was done, now I stare into a cold and empty well.

What I'm not confused about is the world needing much more love, no hate, no prejudice, no bigotry and more unity, peace and understanding. Period.

We're stuck in fear and in not wanting to cross that most important bridge of understanding that we're more alike or not. We all cry, we all laugh.

Oh, thank you love With all my heart and soul I thank you love Each day that comes and goes I thank you love I thank you 'cause you gave me true love

I've always asked to be able to speak and write about injustice and to do it in a way that would encourage people to make things better for everyone.

My mother would cry about my blindness and the hopelessness of my ever seeing, but I told her I wasn't sad. I believed God had something for me to do.

Among all the wonderful things we have, we don't seem to have a time to love. And to me that's the fuel, that's the fuel we need to make the engine go.

I think that to a great degree, reggae companies have become very corporate and so maybe some don't have that freedom to say whatever they want to say.

Mama was my greatest teacher, a teacher of compassion, love and fearlessness. If love is sweet as a flower, then my mother is that sweet flower of love.

I never imagined I'd meet Berry Gordy who told me when he first heard me sing, "You know, your singing's okay, but I like your harmonica playing better."

I'm a work in progress, but if I know in my heart that I'm doing my best, that my heart's in the right place, that I have unconditional love, I feel okay.

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