Time is long but life is short.

Time is long but life is short.

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you ...

Ability may get you to the top, but it takes character to keep you there.

I've had threats.

I am not a normal man.

Problems have solutions.

I'm still experimenting.

Disrespect is real stuff.


Of course I read Braille, yes.

I see the light in your smile.

You can't hear me? Read my lips!

If you don't ask, you don't get.

Isn't she lovely made from love?

I am all for stem cell research.

We can't live in a place of fear.

Hate knows that love is the cure.

Fear's what puts dreams to sleep.

I just called to say, 'I love you.

Minds ripen at very different ages.

When I grow up I wanna be like Omar

I do believe in women. I really do.

I'm glad I'm blind and can't see it.

It feels better to love than to hate.

We have to be respectful to one another.

I'm living a life. I have nine children.

People can misconstrue closeness for love.

I'm too high, but I ain't left the ground.

I know there are thousands of images of me.

I'm concerned about how accessible guns are.

Did you know that true love asks for nothing?

Gun violence is real. People don't come back.

Blind don't mean you can't, you know, listen.

Let us come together before we're annihilated.

Music at its essence is what gives us memories.

Heaven help the roses if the bombs begin to fall

Ya gots to work with what you gots to work with.

Until we Dream of Life and Life becomes a Dream.

First of all, I'm no better than the next person.

Loving you, until the day that 8 x 8 x 8 x 8 is 4.

The way the world is right now, we need more love.

All my children are my babies. They're our babies.

Baby, everything is alright, uptight, out of sight.

Are you happy when you stick a needle in your vein?

The right to bear arms? What about the right to live?

We all have ability. The difference is how we use it.

Don't need cars cause we've learned to fly on Saturn.

I have enough money to satisfy myself for a lifetime.

I'm believing that miracles and blessings still exist.

It could have been worse. I could have been born black.

Heaven help the man who kicks the man who has to crawl.

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