I like helping people.

I'm just a normal dude.

You're always nervous before a fight.

Cleveland, we've got a champion, baby!

I practice going backward all the time.

I'm the world champ! I'm the world champ!

I'm actually pretty frugal with my money.

I'm the best in the division. I know I am.

MMA was like wrestling; I love competition.

I'm a Cleveland guy, man. I love this city.

I'll always be a firefighter, no matter what.

I just want to work hard and have good fights.

I'm never going to change who I am for the UFC.

I'm always the underdog, but I don't mind that.

Cleveland people are crazy; that's why I live here.

People don't want to give me credit, which is fine.

It would be a dream if I was able to fight in Croatia.

I love baseball and love the Indians and all the teams here.

I'm not going to throw haymakers the whole fight; I'll gas out.

It's up to the UFC. Whoever they put in front of me, I'll fight.

I'm from Cleveland. I love this place. I'm never going to leave.

When I become champion, you know, I'll never stop being a firefighter.

Saving people, helping people, is just something I always wanted to do.

Listen, I'm the champ, and I'm not going to pick and choose who I fight.

I am always going to be the same guy. The fireman that lives in Cleveland.

Whoever they want me to fight, I'm going to fight. So I really don't care.

I think everyone has knockout power. I mean, it's the heavyweight division.

Everyone has 4 ounce gloves on, and they're big boys, and they can throw hard.

I love what I do, both aspects - fighting and being a firefighter and paramedic.

I've got a great team around me. They keep me working hard; they keep me focused.

I've fought the best guys in the world, and I've beat the best guys in the world.

You are a role model to people. You gotta make sure you're doing the right thing.

Of course, fighting's first. That's what I do; that's what pays my bills, you know.

I love watching 'Orange Is the New Black,' and I play video games, like 'Call of Duty.'

I lived with my mom my whole life; her work ethic was ridiculous, and it hasn't changed.

I had to work hard to keep up with my mom. That's where I learned it from. She's a freak.

When you train as hard as we do, bad things happen sometimes. It's just part of the sport.

I make no excuses. Stefan Struve was the man that night. He earned his win fair and square.

Anthony 'Rumble' Johnson hits hard. You gotta watch out for him. He's got hammers as fists.

I love this city. There's Cleveland pride in it for me. Everyone has each other's backs here.

I think any fight you get into, you've got to shine and show that you deserve to be up there.

I'm going to do what I want to do. If he wants to go to the ground, that's fine. I'm a wrestler.

I like being the underdog. I like turning around and shutting people up when they tell me I can't.

I fell for my own hype. I had too many people saying I couldn't be beat, and I actually fell for it.

DC is good all round. He pushes the pace, makes you think what you're doing, makes you uncomfortable.

I wouldn't want my corner throwing in the towel no matter what. I wouldn't want my corner to do that.

Werdum's the champ for a reason. He's good at jiu jitsu; like he says, he's gotten better on his feet.

I've got the best coaches in the world. I've got confidence in them, and they've got confidence in me.

It's amazing to come here. I'm so happy that UFC is finally here. We've been starving for it in Cleveland.

It's nice to see different places and different parts of the world. It's pretty cool, though I hate flying!

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