I can meditate anywhere, anytime, even whilst talking to you.

Be it Hindi or Hinglish, Zee was never and will never be speechless.

As a businessman, my dharma is to cater to every taste of my viewer.

Vipassana taught me how to maintain equanimity in all situations of life.

We should become an all-encompassing entertainment and information destination.

We are looking for a technology partner, as India is way behind the world as far as tech goes.

I believe confusion is good. Worldwide market leaders gain when there is confusion in the market.

I chose English-speaking and English-thinking people to take decisions for Hindi programmes. It was a mistake.

I had benefited so much from Vipassana, I felt it was important for many more people to be able to share the experience.

As for trying to feed off a mouthful of sky, it's a large mouth, hence there's nothing to worry. I wish good luck to everyone.

Eventually, the economy will work well when you reduce subsidies. People have got used to getting some handouts from governments.

The question now is can better content be driven solely by more money. I have learned in 26 years that only money cannot give you best content.

We believe that when prosperity comes to any country, people want to look and feel better. Hence the demand for aesthetics medicine would increase.

I don't think that running a fashion and lifestyle channel like Trendz is against RSS policy. But if it is, then it's up to them to do what they want.

We provide new programmes, concepts, shows, regardless of what's on other channels. After all, we command viewer loyalty and we are trustees of public faith.

If you accept failure, then you can improve on it. It's funny though, because, on the flip side of the coin, I'd say that if you don't accept failure, there is no failure.

Digitisation will rather consolidate the broadcasting industry in India because once the cable is digitized, then naturally all the programmers can showcase their programming.

We have been in the wellness space for more than seven years, mostly through our Zee TV network in America, which offers programmes on holistic approaches to health and wellbeing.

In the media business, the lines are getting blurred between telecom, voice, data, and video, as all are merging into one single pipe. New players have come in, with Jio being a big example.

Advertising revenue available for all programmers, all broadcasters is not enough to create quality programming, and subscription revenues are very, very minimal which come to all programmers.

What we are doing in the United States is we have launched a television station for mainstream audiences, which means whether they are native Americans or people living from any part of the world.

When our family business separation was implemented, as the eldest member of the family, I had taken the entire burden of the debts. I believe, it was my mistake to have told myself that, 'Subhash, you can earn and repay the creditors.'

Some millennials have completely stopped watching TV. So for them, we've created special digital content for handheld devices only. We've paid close attention to how to present online content effectively. We try to catch their attention within the first five seconds - otherwise, they click onto a different content.

The motivation to start the infrastructure business was to have at least one business that gives you annuity income. Others are services businesses that don't give you annuity income. If you keep the customer happy, you make money. But in a household, if there are five people, keeping all of them happy is also difficult.

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