I love Russia.

Seattle is my home.

I'm a big fan of the Kyrie shoe.

I can be quiet and a little shy.

I like pressure. I thrive on it.

I'm not a good one-on-one player.

I'll play until my knees fall off.

My best vacations have been in Hawaii.

I've always played in a team atmosphere.

I'm a big proponent of taking care of yourself.

I don't know that I'm as conservative as portrayed.

Be kind. Be nice to yourself. You miss a shot, it's OK.

I love sneakers. My storage room is 75 percent sneakers.

I like knowing where my teammates are without having to look.

Homophobia hurts our league. Racism hurts it. Sexism hurts it.

In my mind, women's basketball players are an untapped resource.

I knew I would be able to come back from the injury 100 percent.

I have to be more assertive-I have take more control at crunch time.

Every great team has had to fail at some point in order to be successful.

Whenever you go up 2-0, you understand that teams are going to be desperate.

Soccer was actually my first love, but eventually, basketball took that over.

Basketball is a short period of time, and you've got to take advantage of it.

As an athlete, as a free agent, you owe it to yourself to explore your options.

At some high schools, you're the star player, and everything revolves around you.

I have applied for Israeli citizenship, which makes playing overseas a bit easier.

When you're a point guard, man, if you're not up to par, you're in a lot of trouble.

New York is like a melting pot: so many different people, so many different cultures.

I'm a worrier, an overthinker, and - if it's your type of thing - a 3x WNBA champion.

The WNBA changed everything. It started in 1997, and I graduated from high school in 1998.

I've become really strict in a lot of ways, but I'm also very lenient. I'm kind to myself.

Be a gunner? Me? I don't think I can do it. But I'll go for whatever the assist record is.

I was probably 7 or 8 when I went to see the Bulls play and was able to see Michael Jordan.

When you have teammates just as talented as you, it's kind of weird to get all the attention.

Going to Jerusalem was an amazing experience... I spent most of my time in Tel Aviv. Gorgeous.

I don't feel this overwhelming pressure to play or to 'make money.' That's not my driving goal.

Basketball is basketball, so from a strategic standpoint, having a players' perspective is valuable.

I actually don't consider myself that private. I know that's how I've been characterized. That's OK.

I've had, like, 10 surgeries in my life: four or so on my knee, my hip and my nose a couple of times.

Nowadays, the difference between athletes is really small, and if you can get an edge, why not take it.

I'm probably, like, the nosiest person you'll ever meet. Not in a rude way, but I like to be in the know.

I think just by the nature of getting older, I hope that I'm a smarter basketball player than I was at 23.

I really subscribe to the 'look good, feel good' mantra in terms of playing, in terms of getting out there.

People probably assume I sleep in my uniform. Then I get up and go to the mall or the market in my uniform.

When you're losing, and you're losing again, and you're losing 3... 4... 5 games in a row, it can be frustrating.

I'm not big on rookie hazing. I didn't wanna be hazed as a rookie, so I definitely didn't want to do it to others.

There's something about dominant teams that draws fans in. People like to see this; they like to witness dominance.

Going to college and living with someone of another race gave me a different view of what people have to go through.

I don't eat dairy, and I've been gluten-free ever since I took a blood test that showed I have a mild allergy to gluten.

I've never felt as nervous as I did before a track meet - literally, stomach going crazy - 'cause it was just so difficult.

You can control what you put in your body, how you take care of yourself, how much you work. You have to control what you can.

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