Bromance is a steady investment of years and the guys know each other through and through. On the other hand, romance is something that requires more investment in a shorter span of time.

I want to do action of course. It is my father Jai Singh Nijar's dream to cast me in a good action-comedy film like Akshay Kumar sir. I have even trained to build up fitness for the genre.

When actors try new things, cinema also gains a lot from it. At the same time, the nature of the business is such that if something works, people offer the same thing to you over and over again.

My father is an action director from 35-40 years and I've seen how things work in the industry all my life and I was being patient to get the right opportunities and not rush to take up anything.

I know a lot of people who're going through premature balding but they're so confident in their approach. However, there are some who do have complexes and I'm sure they will learn to overcome that.

When 'Ujda Chaman' didn't do well at the box office, I felt bad, but didn't lose heart. Those who watched it on OTT, said nice things about my performance. It made me realise the importance of staying patient.

My dad was a pehlwan before, then he became a fighter, and then he also became an action director wherein he did movies like 'Gangajal,' 'Zameen,' 'Shivaay,' 'Golmaa,l' and many movies for which he also won accolades.

I am good friends with Vicky Kaushal. In fact, he is from my hometown and our homes are just a kilometre apart. Our families get together during occasions and we know each other very well. He is a very sweet and simple guy.

The day I was born, I knew I was going to act! Okay, that can sound a bit exaggerated, but I knew I want to enter films when I started understanding the world of films and saw my father going on sets. Maybe when I was just a kid.

Fathers have a quality of responsibility and coming back home from work after the daily hustle and the best thing is that despite the hustle and problems, they will still have a smile on their faces which is a very special quality.

If you have back-to-back flops and you're not a star's son, it depends on your destiny or contacts. People say 'No, I'm not going to take this director/actor, he's given four flops,' they forget the day when the same person was a hit.

My father and uncles would often tell me that I was going to become a hero because somebody or the other was related to the film line. When you start getting inspired by others, that's the point when you decide that acting is meant for you.

References help you to start but what's after that? If you can't prove yourself, if the audience doesn't accept you, you stand no chance. When I started off my father told me 'remember if you can't prove yourself no one will invest crores on you.'

I played Shah Rukh's nephew in 'English Babu Desi Mem,' which was my last assignment as a child actor. I was about eleven then. He's one of the best actors I have ever worked with. He really helped me with my lines and expressions. He's such an inspiration.

Children in my family really look forward to Christmas presents and I enjoy becoming their Santa, eating chocolates, playing and spending some time with them. I also meet up with some of my close friends to have good food. That's all about Christmas for me.

An actor is here to perform. For example, if a character is a Punjabi or a Bihari, and the actor is not, doesn't mean we have to cast an actor from that region. If an actor can perform, they can portray anyone because an actor is here to try different roles.

I remember giving auditions for ad films and I used to wait for hours for my turn to come. I used to go for print shoots for Rs 2000. I used to go to the director's office with my portfolio and the receptionists used to tell me to put it in the post box outside.

With other actors, I have always been respectful. Ayushmann is an ace actor. I love everybody's work. We are an industry of professional actors and filmmakers. Everybody is here to make films. I feel very good about it. I don't have any negative or bad thinking.

Ujda Chaman' has helped me gain more confidence in my own skills as an actor because it's such an unusual story. Several people asked me to not go for such an unconventional role at such an early stage in my career but I had a positive feeling when I saw the movie.

My dad was clear that it was important to start the journey from scratch and give auditions. I used to stand in long queues, where a hundred people would stand ahead of me... One thing I knew, that I must be focused on whatever I did. And that helped me to keep striving.

I was excited to play a bald guy in 'Ujda Chaman' because I had seen the Kannada film 'Ondu Motteya Kathe.' I loved it, and I felt inspired. It was the kind of movie that I wanted to do. I thought this film was offering me a very different role and an opportunity to perform.

The beauty of Christmas movies is that they make you feel like Christmas is actually the most wonderful time of the year. I don't love one particular movie, I'd rather say that all Christmas movies are great to watch during the festive season. They give a really good vibe and have happy endings most of the time, that's what I love.

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