Yes, I have political aptitude and attitude too.

According to my stars, I will live up to age 70.

Success keeps you going as a person and as an actor.

Melvilasam' broke a short, silent phase in my career.

Maybe I have some god-given gift to act as a policeman.

Even as a child, I knew what the symbol of the Congress was.

When parents accused me of polluting young minds, I was hurt.

I am not responsible for being cast as a police officer often.

Modi invite me for his swearing in ceremony and I did attend it.

See, my passion is films and I don't believe in political parties.

I feel nationalism is the basic essence of my statements or revolts.

All of us make mistakes and one learns from the bitter lessons of the past.

As a great devotee, I consider a Brahmin who wears the sacred thread as God.

But what we have is not democracy; it is demonocracy! We are ruled by demons.

I am able to do social service only because of the name I gained from acting.

I admire Mammootty as an actor and I have no issues sharing the screen with him.

For me, acting as Raja Ravi Varma, a legend, is not just exciting but very challenging.

All my films have raised questions on issues that are contemporary and relevant to our times.

Social work and politics never go together although the intention behind politics is social work.

I don't believe there is a need for a first among equals when it comes to the industry's top actors.

I have found a perfect balance between work and social activities and I intend to give both my best.

I belong to a strong Congress family. Right from my grandfather, my family has been supporting the Congress.

I am a person with no desperation and I live on hope, but the difference is that I do not compromise on hope.

Even though no offer has come, I will certainly accept an offer if it comes from the BJP to join the government.

Look at the plight of a devotee. One cannot even use the name of his favourite God. What sort of democracy is this?

I was a star campaigner for the Aruvikkara byelection and the assembly elections. They were very valuable experiences.

I know that keeping aloof is not a wise thing but since I have nothing to prove, please don't depict me as an escapist.

I have seen pain. I can feel the pain of those who undergo it. Pain gets transferred to those who see someone suffering.

An artiste like me can never be satisfied because it is the dissatisfaction that helps me grow and achieve what I want to.

It is always good to take a break and then come back with more strength. You can access things from a different point of view.

When I met Narendra Modi in 2014, I submitted an 18-point agenda which included the issues faced by the tribesmen in the State.

When you are involved with the film and the character, you don't find it tiresome at all. But if you think it's tiresome, it will be.

The opponents of Mr. Modi can never change the mind of the people who have accepted and adored him as a statesman and national leader.

I have a very clear, genuine vision about what political work should be, what politics and politicians should contribute to the nation.

Even I feel I am an ambassador for the Indian police. Even if someone doesn't want to give me that credit, I want to have it for myself.

Anakattil Chackochi was a titular character that appealed to all irrespective of age and my son, as a kid, used to call himself Kochu Chackochi.

If someone asks me whether I have seen God in flesh and blood, my answer would be that I believe that a temple priest is the God in front of me.

Why should there be a different set of laws for criminals who are juveniles? As far as I am concerned there should be no reason for any leniency.

When a riot happens in a city or a town or a village, the man in charge of the place is held responsible, and the same thing has happened to Modi.

I am neither dejected nor depressed because every one has a bad phase in one's life. I realized it the hard way because the momentum of my social life too slowed down.

My films and roles have given me a special place in the hearts of people. I am aware that it is a huge responsibility and I am doing my best to live up to those expectations.

A lot of people consider the actors as their role models and look up to them for guidance. When your decision affects the lives of others, you have to learn to live up to the responsibility.

Be it a cop, or an IAS officer or even a goonda, the audience wants to see me as a person who discusses social issues, asks questions that they have and squeeze out answers from those concerned.

My father died. No one from this industry came to offer condolences to my house. No one offered few words to console me. Why should I continue in this cruel film world? I am discontinuing my acting career.

I was contacted by Rajyavardhan Singh Rathore, MP, through the Pune Film Institute and offered the post in the NFDC. I accepted it for the sake of Kerala and because it is an opportunity for improving the content of Doordarshan.

After all, what is cinema? It is an interaction, a discussion that throws up questions and provides some solutions. The solutions might look simple, impractical or too fictionalised. But one must realise that viewers empathise with certain characters because they strike a chord with the viewers' needs and frame of mind.

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