I try and feel good, and the only way to do it is to see myself in the mirror and to know that I'm still a single piece.

I believe unexplored territories and taking on new ventures is the natural progression all human beings must experience.

I have always been a mother. When I was kid, I mothered my younger brother. I mothered my parents and even my boyfriends.

I love parasailing, taking strolls, indulging in water sports, hanging out in touristy places - especially night markets.

You don't want to watch a film for two hours that depresses you or makes you think so much it evokes a negative reaction.

I don't work more than 8 hours a day. At times, people get angry with me because of this, but I can't work more than that.

'Marmayogi' has a budget of Rs 110 crore, and I think only a gifted person like Kamal Haasan can do justice to such a film.

In 'Biwi No 1,' I made you laugh. In 'Sirf Tum,' I made you cry. In 'Bas Itna Sa Khwaab Hai,' I am going to make you dream.

You have to be honest, even when you are upset with your child. Your intentions must be clear. You must never lie to your child.

If you don't believe I'm a professional, do not sign me. And if you've signed me on a certain belief, don't question my integrity.

When you see 'MHN,' you will see that the film is based on relationships which are serious, but there is a sense of humour to it, too.

I thrive in places where there are different kinds of people and energies that can go into creating a very cosmopolitan kind of space.

Every baby step India takes in achieving anything towards its betterment enhances my identity and personality because I love my country.

I don't believe what I do outside my profession is anybody's' business. And that includes a personal thing like pregnancy or even marriage.

Being in love is all about the ability to give rather than take. It is not easy, but if you can accept this, then you will experience love.

I am proud of the fact that, despite all the disparities that do come up often in our country, we are still Indians, and I am proud of that.

People who try to tackle failure attract failure. The more you indulge in analysis, it gets tougher. So just keep making mistakes and learn.

I don't want to bore people with things that don't matter to them. I want to share parts of my life that are universally true with other people.

The Indian television industry has catapulted into a huge business. Films, however, have not lost one shred of charisma or commercial lucrativity.

I am very spoilt and want my travel to be smooth and peaceful. I don't like to rough it out, and I certainly do not fancy the idea of backpacking.

Kids have a way of letting you know if they like something or not. If a child of five says she doesn't like something, it means there is a problem.

There has always been a softer side to Sushmita Sen. You might never see it, but there is one. And you will never see the 'real' Sushmita on screen.

Comedy has always been my favourite genre, and I always wanted to be a part of a process which makes people happy. The genre has always been lucky for me.

During my time, fortunately or unfortunately, I had no idea what Miss Universe was supposed to be like because nobody from India had won the title before me.

Celebrities are under pressure to perform all the time. You are in front of a camera all the time, and it is difficult to lead a life in the world of glamour.

I started modelling from the age of 16, and within three years, I was bored and decided to shift to films. But I love modelling because it gave me independence.

I definitely have to know every detail of a script and analyse its potential before I think further because if the director is the captain, then the script is the ship.

Just being a woman is God's gift. The origin of a child is a mother, a woman. She shows a man what sharing, caring, and loving is all about. That is the essence of a woman.

When you have love in your life and respect what you do, you get up and do things. Yes, definitely I do feel tired, but when I look around and see how privileged I am, I get going.

I don't talk about things like women power and this and that. Because I believe fighting for it is saying we are weaker. I don't believe in that concept. For me, there is no fighting for women.

If something really gave me immense happiness, I will remember it for the rest of my life in vivid detail. But if something bothered me, or I regretted it deeply, I will move ahead from it and forget.

For a woman who didn't want to be an actress, who is too tall, lanky, shy, and who didn't fit into a Hindi conventional heroine, I am overwhelmed that my audiences have accepted me in India and the world.

With the amount of flops that I have seen in my career, one would think that my career would have been over long back. But it has sustained. And I truly believe it did because I lived life on my own terms.

Ask a celebrity what social cause he or she wants to take up, and many would say utopic things. For me, however, the decision is very clear... I want to do something for children, a category of people I am genuinely fond of.

The image is never created by you. It's created by the media, by the people around you. In my real-life self, I would be without make up and in jeans and a T-shirt. But when I'm outside, I'm dressed up. It's not because I enjoy doing it.

I didn't get out of India till I was 15 years old, and I went to Malaysia with my father for an exhibition. And after that international visit, the next time I stepped on foreign shores was for the Miss Universe pageant at the age of 18.

I see myself as a very successful entrepreneur. Maybe making films or else starting my own clothesline. I see myself as a corporate woman, sitting on the 16th floor of a swank office with a glass window that overlooks the Manhattan skyline.

I am from a middle-class family, and everything I have achieved in life I have only appreciated. I have never gone overboard because I have seen the other side of life. When you have seen the other side of life, you appreciate what you have.

'Sholay' can be given so many interpretations. I have seen this film so many times since the time I was a kid that I think that there could be 50 lovely interpretations to this film. Different filmmakers can give it so many interpretations, as it's a lovely film.

As a kid, I wanted to do so many different things; I saw my aunt as an air hostess, and then I wanted to be an air hostess. I found it very glamorous, but when I flew for the first time in my life, and I saw how air hostesses have to slog and how they have to work with everybody going 'ting-ting' and how they have to keep on running up and down.

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