Know what you want - and get it

RGV, as a filmmaker, is very smart.

As a performer, we look for applause.

Everything about the Net is wonderful.

There's no mantra for bringing up a kid.

I usually don't include sugar in my meals.

The Maldives is truly a paradise on Earth.

I've always been an adventurer, an explorer.

Unfortunately, we all go through bad phases.

I put on weight easily and lose it equally fast.

I'm pretty Net-savvy. My surfing time is precious.

I want to learn skiing and parallel bar gymnastics.

Even the slightest deja vu are supernatural incidents.

I always dreamt of being famous, and dreams do come true.

I am really glad to be a part of Srijit Mukherji's 'Nirbaak.'

Wasim Akram is a splendid human being and a thorough gentleman.

Sometimes, I check out film sites if a friend sends me the URL.

Everybody knows that I'm not the most beautiful woman in the world.

If you want to convey a message, you must do so in an enjoyable format.

I am proud of Aishwarya. She has given every Indian a reason to be proud.

Like a bathroom singer, I am a closet artist, but you need time to paint.

Life comes as a full circle. It feels good when you become someone's idol.

I had earlier done a few paintings on Durga because I am fascinated by her.

When my face starts to feel chubby, I know there is an issue with my weight.

I didn't think of my job as wanting roles I want to do but roles that suit me.

I don't have any favourites, but I like situational comedies, not forced ones.

I have succeeded at times and failed at others, but I am here to do good cinema.

What I do gorge on is sushi. This is the only dish I don't mind overindulging in.

I have this very simple logic about life that it should not be taken too seriously.

I am a Tintin girl and grew up on Archie comics. Then I was introduced to Mr. Bean.

I have tried different things as an actor and have always believed in experimenting.

My time is really important to me, and where I put it has to be of tremendous value.

I will definitely get married, but it is not that it has to happen at a certain age.

I always imagine myself as a bride who will wear a gown, with a long train and veil.

It is my childhood dream to have a Christian-style wedding, just like the fairy tales.

People who believe in science have a hard time believing in ghosts and the supernatural.

I will get married soon. It is in the pipeline. I believe in the institution of marriage.

Life's all about choices. Everyone's destination is the same; only the paths are different.

I truly believe children learn by examples much more than what you can teach them verbally.

There is a very pensive and intense side to me that even I did not know someone could capture.

Yes, it is possible to love more than once. Every time you give of yourself, the intensity grows.

Every celebrity has his or her own personal life. When they go home, they have problems and issues, too.

I find the idea of walking down the aisle and then being handed to the groom by the father very romantic.

I celebrate my life, whether it's being a single mother, wearing diamonds, or holidaying in exotic places.

I was born to two people who helped me imbibe feelings of nationhood in my heart and love for the country.

I Am She is an institution that reflects and personifies the grace, charm, and elegance of an Indian woman.

Life becomes easier when we stop aping people. Which is on all fronts, be it looks, body shape, or anything.

I believe in everything. I believe that everything is an illusion, and everything is there to be believed in.

As roles go, very rarely do you get a role written for you or a director who wants you and only you for the part.

'Vaastu Shastra' has no shadow of 'Bhoot' at all. If 'Bhoot' was a 100 on 100, this is 300 on 100. It's that scary!

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