I was a funky kid.

I love Modest Mouse.

I love classical jazz.

I drink a lot of water.

I love folk. I love rap.

I listen to Stevie Nicks.

I do a lot of strange things.

I was unpopular my whole life.

In one way, I want to heal people.

I’ve kissed death a thousand times before

I make bad decisions frequently. They're fun.

I wasn't one of those girls who sang at church.

I don't want to speak negativity into existence.

I don't like to shop. It creates so much anxiety.

I wasn't popular in high school; I had no friends.

Oh, Instagram stresses me out on a very deep level!

Biochemical interactions are very interesting to me.

I feel good being a black woman; I've always felt good.

My anxiety stems from my lack of control no matter what.

I was a gymnast for 13 years, so I was heavy into sports.

I'm a visual learner, so film is a huge inspiration to me.

My mom didn't let me eat sugar or candy until I was older.

It's interesting to all of a sudden be considered valuable.

I think music is honest and will make you do honest things.

Reading makes me so sleepy. Honestly, I'm a visual learner.

I feel like every outfit I have ever planned ahead is trash.

I did some work on Beyonce and Nick Minaj's 'Feeling Myself.'

I'm very into details, so I watch movies just for the details.

I was raised orthodox Muslim. Very sheltered, very conservative.

I try to think of myself as a chic fishing grandpa aesthetically.

I've fried my hair off. I've shaved my hair off. I've done it all.

I want to excel at something, to follow through, to not be afraid.

Listening to Alabama Shakes made me less self-conscious about my voice.

I always used to be like, 'I don't need to meditate.' And it's not true.

I have an abundant amount of love in my life, and I'm grateful for that.

I worry so much. Like, 'Damn, how can I be excellent?' But it's a journey.

My music is touching people in whatever spaces they need to be touched in.

I use Ecoco EcoStyler gel, but the alcohol-free protein one. That's the key.

You can take care of your body, and it will low-key show you respect in turn.

So many people meet and become friends at my shows that didn't know each other before.

I love cuffing season. It's a very inspiring season for those who want to be inspired.

I live in my imagination, so sometimes movies help me get lost. I feel like I'm in it.

Music is my form of cleansing and introspection, so I have to grow in order to accomplish it.

I don't enjoy being interviewed. I feel like it exhausts a lot of my energy. I feel empty after.

I got a lot of crap for being named SZA but not being affiliated with Wu-Tang, and being a girl.

It starts with trusting yourself, even if people are telling you you're too young to trust yourself.

I've always loved playing with hair. I used to want dreads like Lauryn Hill, but my mom wouldn't let me.

I was quiet in high school and relatively unpopular, so being noticed is not something that I'm used to.

I used to be very figurative and also just kind of scared to talk about the way I felt in a literal way.

I want people to get out of that nasty habit of needing a label. Every genre for each song is different.

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