I don't really hype myself up with fancy things.

I would describe myself as a very plain but very honest person.

Honestly, I think people change after meeting someone you love.

Rather than becoming the best, I want to become a singer with meaning.

I don’t want to achieve my dream. I just want to pursue my dream until I die.

I think I am a pretty good at understanding each character of each person I meet.

It's just that as a solo artist, I have more burden and responsibilities on my shoulders.

I just want the audience to see that the performances are a real representation of myself.

Seeing TVXQ's music and stage makes me feel touched, and they're a very good influence on us.

A smart man can't beat a hardworking man and a hard working man can't beat a happy working man.

I can show my characteristics and musical colors both as a member of Bigbang and as a solo artist.

TVXQ has always chased after different music styles, and their members all have very strong talents.

I didn't have many romantic relationships, and the romantic scent inside me was beginning to disappear.

Big Bang is what made me who I am today. With them, I laugh the most, and I feel like I can achieve things

Personally, if I like someone I'm pretty earnest with that one person. So I've dated only a few over the years.

I really like my eyes, nose, and lips. I especially like my nose. I really like my lips too. I think my lips are sexy.

TVXQ is our respected sunbae. Their vocal skills are strong, and we've studied much of their performances and choreography.

I'm actually a big fan of Zion T and Crush. I think they're very impressive. They're very clear about their artistic identities.

Without even knowing, a person goes around scattering their heart. That's why if you're with a smiling person, you end up smiling with them.

What I felt as a singer is that music and cultural contents are the biggest strengths that go beyond language and go to any country in the world.

I searched the good music that I loved and found out that was all by Miguel! What a strange coincidence! I'm a massive fan of 'Sure Thing' by Miguel.

I think I have changed a lot. People might feel a little unfamiliar with the new me, but this is just who I am. I realised that I just want to be free.

We've seen each other fight like heck, and seen each other absolutely humiliated...and we've ever held hands....but we still don't know each others names.

Whether it's a designer or a musician, I think the most important thing for people who express things are to be unique. There should be something unique only to them.

But while I was working with my team to conceptualize 'White Night', we hit writer's block and couldn't come up with a single that I felt would resonate with listeners.

I think fans acknowledged the effort I have made as a solo artist and as a member of Bigbang throughout the years. It is a very humbling yet gratifying achievement for me.

The musical style and sound of 'Love You to Death' is something I wanted to do from the moment I started working on this album. It's a very masculine track with dramatic lyrics.

Every time I work on something, fun comes first. Whatever it is I think if you have fun doing it, the other things will follow. Albums sales or ranking on charts aren't important.

I like the universe and nature. I am inspired a lot by the beauties of nature. I named myself as the sun because the sun is the brightest star from the incalculable stars in the universe.

I'm certain that I will be able to do music that's more like me as I get to know more about myself. I think that is an artist's fate. You have to keep trying to find your own world and express it.

I've thought about how it will make things easier for you. But I can't do that because more than my emotions, the future of Fresh Men is more important. Because more than my pride, my friends are more precious.

We've also started promoting in Japan, and compared to TVXQ sunbaes, we still have to secure a place. We all like TVXQ very much. We hope this time we'll use the chance to become more intimate with the members.

Have you ever played ping pong up against a wall? You get exhausted a lot quicker than playing against someone. It's the same with getting angry. If you keep getting angry on your own, all that anger will just come back to you.

Even myself, I believe that as an artist I should pursue more independent activities. If more artists believe in this and are active about it, they will be able to accomplish more on their own, without the influence of entertainment labels.

Rise' gave me an idea for the rest of the music's concepts. I really thought of the sun when I listened it. So I imagined nature, and the jungle, because the soundtrack is wild. It was a real vision of the sun from the universe and of nature!

I know what I'm the best at. But I still want to do something different because it's fun for me. Even though I'm really good at something, it's boring for me to do the same thing every time and it'll be boring for people who are listening to me.

When I look at the life of those artists I admire, I believe that age isn't a big factor. As long as I have the capacity to accept a wide range of music, and have the ability to produce and make new music, I think I'd be okay as an older K-pop artist.

I sing with all my heart and when I see the audience feel it too, I feel so touched I get goosebumps…To my fans, I would like to say, 'I will work harder', rather than to say, 'I love you' because I believe that sincerity has its way of getting across to touch hearts.

I’m always the same. Whether I’m solo or with Big Bang, the one thing I have to do is sing and dance. I started solo activities with the things I did well with Big Bang, and I’ll show the things I learned while doing solo through Big Bang. Wherever I go and whatever I do, I am Taeyang and Dong Young Bae.

You're speaking coldly towards me but why is it that my heart isn't getting cold at all? Is it because your heart is saying something else? Is it because there's something else you're hoping that I'll hear? So tell me the real reason. Why are you doing this? I'll become your strength. I have the confidence to do that.

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