I was not a metal fan.

Actually I do not listen to much opera music.

We go to church every year on Christmas morning.

For me, there are no borders in music in general.

I don't write duets - I write songs for my voice.

I don't think I'd be healthy if I only were a heavy metal singer.

I have sung at Christmas many times in Finland, especially in churches.

I listen to classical music when I need to relax. It depends a lot on mood.

I love this freedom that has been given to me as an artist to express myself.

Since I was a little child, I always wanted to do music. That was my passion.

I go to metal concerts as well as classical concerts, and I love both of them.

I love music, and that is what I care for, and that is what I deliver for people.

I could write songs on the beach, but the interior darkness, we have it all. We have it.

I've been requested by hundreds of metal bands to be part of their albums or side projects.

I've always been very respected as a female singer in metal, or in general as a female singer.

It is vital for me to make progress as a lyrical singer since it also helps me to sing rock better.

I feel my voice can fit in many things so it's very interesting to combine things and music styles.

For me, it is incredible to hear singers in the metal scene telling me I had been their inspiration.

Paulo Coelho is a very important writer, and I have discovered a lot about myself through his texts.

I wake up usually quite late, just in time for the lunch, especially if I sleep badly during the night.

Myself, I would love to record and film every performance I make, as each concert is special and unique.

I would be ready to rejoin Nightwish if all the members of the band and the management team were changed.

I'm a workaholic. My listeners, I think, they know me as a workaholic already. But, you know, work is my love.

Johnny Andrews can make me fly with his ideas for new songs. It has always been a pure pleasure to write with him.

The Brightest Void' gives more than a first taste of 'The Shadow Self;' it is a full album filled with nine songs!

I never thought in my whole life of becoming a heavy metal singer, but it just happened because I took the challenge.

I like to keep the big dynamic changes between my songs, so that album songs feel radically different from each other.

My fans have been the power behind me and beside me, they have been holding me awake, and so they are my winter storm.

Gold, we think, is something polished and perfect, sophisticated, a luxury. But in its natural state, it's a raw element.

It's incredible how much beauty exists in the world of music and how many artists you can really inspire with your own work.

With my classical training and coming from a metal band, producers didn't know what to expect. I like to shock people, though.

I'm happy, I'm healthy, I am not looking backwards - I'm only heading towards some kind of dreams of mine and living my dreams.

If you think of people, the majority of us, we can't do what we really love. I am really grateful that I can work with my dream.

I finished my university studies with classical music while being in a successful metal band, but that was not an easy task at all.

I have to be cautious about how I dress, what I eat/drink and when I sleep so that my voice can shine as its best in each of my shows.

When I'm doing something, I do it with my heart. And so if I feel good about something, I'm going for it; one hundred percent I'm on it.

When I need some energy in the morning I can put a metal CD in my player, because it gets me going! Classical music will send me off the road!

I've always enjoyed the respect from my male colleagues or my audiences all over the world. I've never suffered by the fact of being a woman on the road.

Producing a dark Christmas album in the middle of the summer is a very interesting process, especially if you are doing it by the turquoise Caribbean Sea.

As I am a lyrical singer, I really have to work hard. I'm still really training on a daily basis on my vocals. Because of the lyrical training, it never really ends.

Until the governments don't have a clear law against piracy and the digital downloads are not working worldwide properly, the record industry will keep on suffering.

Music is emotion; it's a beautiful thing that connects people despite their age or differences or cultural differences and anything. We are still the same, and we can love the same things.

In the beginning of my career, I didn't have any female singer in metal to ask for advice, nor have I ever had a role model or a metal singer that could inspire me, because the way I sang was operatic.

I have very different kinds of songs - there are these film-music-type of songs, and then metal, metal, metal, ha-ha! These are different kinds of styles, so not every musician can play both types of music.

I am sure that everyone will immediately discover how much 'The Brightest Void' and 'The Shadow Self' are entwined with each other but, at the same time, are two independent records which stand on their own.

I was with Nightwish for such a long time that I still feel the band as a part of myself. I was one of the most important elements in Nightwish for nine years, and the band was an essential part of myself too.

In the beginning of my career I had to deal with the fact that since I was the only woman in the band, the singer and the face of the band, I obviously got the most of the attention of the public everywhere I went.

After all these years, being alone, creating your art and finding your way, finding the path I wanted to take, writing the songs, being more comfortable and confident in what I do, it's been actually an incredible joyride.

I think it's really important to be humble for the music because there is always someone better than you, there is always something new for you to learn for music and you can't be the best in the world. It makes you work very hard.

I mean, being a solo artist is very different than being a member of a band. It's absolutely different. The whole situation is very different - situations where you can't really compare, it's so very different. But I found happiness.

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