I'm proud to support Secretary Clinton.

Social Security is fundamentally strong.

Let's make Donald Trump explain his hair.

We count on the FEC to be the public's watchdog.

Why does America always need to be the world's policeman?

We know that for children, hunger is especially devastating.

Citizens United opened a door that's frustrated anyone who's looking.

Standing up to Ahmadinejad is not a partisan issue and should never be one.

My connections to Broward are long, and they are deep, and I'm proud of them.

It was sanctions that drove Iran to the negotiating table in the first place.

We need to focus on building up our own nation and creating jobs here at home.

We need to move past blame and make sure we are delivering care to our veterans.

We need to work tirelessly to help create new jobs and good jobs here in Florida.

Let's make Jeb Bush explain his plan to give millionaires another massive tax cut.

If we are going to use places of worship as polling places, we should not discriminate.

Individuals can stand up against genocide in Darfur and Iran's quest for nuclear weapons.

Because Republicans have no ideas, they want to turn elections into the battle of dollars.

Let's make Marco Rubio explain why he thinks oil companies should write our energy policy.

We need to recognize the opportunity that green jobs present to Florida and to the economy.

No one disputes Iran's destabilizing influence in the Middle East or role in killing Americans.

I look forward to representing the voters of District 30 and moving the state in a new direction.

We need to get the corporate money out of the political system and return democracy to the people.

As I understand, the role of the federal judiciary, the role of our court system, is to provide justice.

The issues that we face as a country and in South Florida aren't broken down by city line or county line.

We have a responsibility to ensure the Palestinian Authority is abiding by U.S. law with total transparency.

Social Security is the only thing most Americans can count on to keep them out of poverty during retirement.

So many of us have friends or family who have battled cancer, and we know how important it is to find a cure.

Social Security is legally prohibited from contributing to the deficit. It cannot use debt to pay out benefits.

There is total unanimity that the most serious threat facing the United States and Israel is a nuclear-armed Iran.

When enacted, health care reform provides generous tax credits to help people afford their health insurance premiums.

I am proud to have played a small part in ensuring that no veteran's heroic service will be cast aside due to prejudice.

Many of my constituents are in their 80s, 90s, even 100, and our focus is ensuring that their needs can be provided for.

I would be concerned if any speech to Congress related any information that's new to the president of the United States.

Germany can make a major difference in the lives of so many Holocaust survivors who are struggling in their later years.

We can help a whole lot of people if we could figure out a way to expand Medicaid and get people the care that they need.

For those whose lives have been turned upside down by Chinese drywall, we're trying to give them a chance to seek justice.

I was elected on April 13 and sworn in two days later, so I had no orientation. I had to figure things out as I went along.

Social Security is too vital to be lumped into backroom budget talks where the views of ordinary Americans risk going unheard.

The Florida Jewish community is incredibly important in the primary and will be that important in the general election as well.

My passion for strengthening the community and making peoples' lives better is stronger now than when I first got into politics.

We must not allow the Iranian regime to use the nation's vast energy resource as a financial pipeline for its nuclear ambitions.

Everybody has to agree that the best thing we can do to start reducing the deficit in this country is to put people back to work.

We have just been working hard to have people to come out to vote and to make sure people understand how important the election is.

Right now, there is no way that the federal government can prevent someone who's on the terror watch list from buying a gun - none.

I'm really excited about the prospect of deepening what is already a really strong relationship that I have with the people of Broward.

We ought to be able to forgo the constant need to raise money and just focus on working together to solve the problems this country faces.

In order to survive in a dangerous neighborhood, Israel has always needed to be more than tough. The country has always needed to be smart.

Individuals want to know that none of their own money is being invested in companies that put their profits ahead of international security.

The American people do not want their taxpayer dollars funding any activity that runs counter to the security of our nation or our ally Israel.

This is not a political issue. I know Florida's leadership has talked about a real commitment to helping our veterans. Now it's time for them to show it.

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