Art's task is to save the soul of mankind.. anything less is a dithering while Rome burns.

Closure is a neurotic and infantile demand to make upon reality, other people, or language.

Psychedelic experiences and dreams are chemical cousins; they are only different in degree.

People without plants are in a state of perpetual neurosis, a state of existential wanting.

If the world is made of language, then you can hack it in the sense that you can hack code.

I think really what unites psychedelic people is the faith in the power of the imagination.

To date, the enterprise of thinking has moved us radically away from understanding anything.

It is not easy to measure the ocean, but we can be measured by it, confront it, and be in it.

Flying saucers are nothing more than miracles, and they occur essentially to bedevil science.

That's what a god is. Somebody who knows more than you do about whatever you're dealing with.

Shamanism is just show business and philosophy is just a branch of that vaudevillian impulse.

We need a metaphor that can contain the daemon of the future that we have conjured into being.

Television is, to my mind, the most insidious drug that the 20th Century has had to deal with.

This is the nature of going forward into being: A series of self-transforming ascents of level.

Because this is the world that science built, with the henchmen of capitalism and Christianity.

There is no mundane dimension really, if you have the eyes to see it, it is all transcendental.

We are led by the least among us - the least intelligent, the least noble, the least visionary.

Let's not underrate cannabis, for cryin' out loud. Cannabis should be the glue of the community.

This is how magic is done. By hurling yourself into the abyss and discovering its a feather bed.

But what I really am interested in is not the end of the world but everything which precedes it.

Human beings are co-partners with deity in the project of being. This is the basis of all magic.

What we now have is the freedom which attends decadence, or the decadence which attends freedom.

Nobody is smarter than you are. And what if they are? What good is their understanding doing you?

The psychedelic mind is a higher dimensional mind, it is not fit for three dimensional space time.

Nature and the imagination seem to be the precursors to involvement in the psychedelic experience.

Clearly, what is happening, I think, is there is a kind of global emergence of a new mental order.

As the bonfires of knowledge grow brighter, the more the darkness is revealed to our startled eyes.

So part of what being psychedelic means, I think, is relentlessly living with unanswered questions.

I'm as against restricting access to drugs as I am to burning books. It offends me in the same way.

These religions that are so freighted with their own pomposity are no better than inspired guesses.

The world is not an unsolved problem for scientists or sociologists. The world is a living mystery.

The entire drug phenomenon of the 1960s happened without the concept of shamanism to help it along.

Nothing is as boundary dissolving, except for psychedelic compounds, as travel. Travel is up there.

I live up at about the 2000 feet level on a five acre piece of forest that I built a small house on.

The tryptamine molecule has this unique property of releasing the structured self into the over-self.

I don't believe that shamanism without hallucinogens is authentic shamanism or comfortable shamanism.

Shamanism is about shape shifting. Shamanism is about doing phenomenology with a tool kit that works.

Part of what being involved in the psychedelic experience is about is reclaiming your own experience.

The psychedelic sets you at the beginning of the path, and then people do all kinds of things with it.

Nature is not our enemy, to be raped and conquered. Nature is ourselves, to be cherished and explored.

The word 'self' is as great a mystery as the word 'other'. It's just a polarity between two mysteries.

Language is something that springs from the biological matrix, and the neurological matrix, within us.

Liberate yourself from the illusion of culture. Take responsibility for what you think and what you do.

The culture cannot evolve faster than the language. The language is the flashlight that shows the path.

We do not birth our children into the world of nature. We birth our children into the world of culture.

I'm fascinated by hallucinations. I mean, to me that is the sina qua non that you're getting somewhere.

History is like self-reflection through the medium of language propelling itself into self-recognition.

The drug may not be toxic, but you may be self-toxic, and you may discover this in the drug experience.

The truth for sure, when it arrives, will make you smile. If it doesn't, you should seek a deeper truth.

Psychedelics are actually a kind of miraculous reality that can stand the test of objective examination.

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