Time will perfect matter.

What you call man is time.

No one knows enough to worry.

Culture is another dimension.

Human history is a Gaian dream.

History is rooted in the future

What is needed, is an awakening.

Culture is your operating system.

For all we know, we know nothing.

Nature conserves, prefers novelty.

Mind conjures miracles out of time.

Language betrays, in order to mean.

You're immortal as long as you live.

Worrying is betting against yourself.

How do we fight back? By creating art.

People are concrescences of ambiguity.

History is the siren song of the soul.

You know what, I'm stoned, and I'm proud.

There is no knowledge without risk taking.

Time is a series of fluctuating variables.

The engineers of the future will be poets.

We live in condensations of our imagination

Our assumptions are the edges of our worlds.

Nature is not mute, it is a man who is deaf.

In cyberspace things are built out of light.

Consistency is the hobgoblin of small minds.

Behind us: the unknown. Before us: the secret.

Memory training is great psychedelic training.

Ideology always paves the way toward atrocity.

Astonishment is the proper response to reality.

Psychedelic telepathy is you 'see' what I mean.

Cultures are virtual realities made of language.

We are like caterpillars contemplating pupation.

Impressionism is simply twenty minutes into LSD.

Only psychos and shamans create their own reality

The only real experience that counts, is your own.

It's meanings that we need to coax into our lives.

Nature is actually the goal at the end of history.

We are consciousness. We may not always be monkeys.

Our medium is meat, but we are made of information.

The Imagination is the golden pathway to everywhere.

What foods are, essentially, are idea-neutral drugs.

Our world is endangered by the absence of good ideas

You aren't an object. You're a process of some sort.

The race isn't to the swift, it's to the thoughtful.

There's only the integrity of doing and having done.

The imagination is a dimension of nonlocal information

The mind is a far bigger domain than we ever imagined.

The human brain is the god of technological innovation.

The central figure in the archaic revival is the shaman.

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