Five exclamation marks: the sure sign of an insane mind.

You can't trust folk songs. They always sneak up on you.

If per capita was a problem, decapita could be arranged.

We who think we are about to die will laugh at anything.

I write books back to back, and I work very hard on them.

Why bother with a cunning plan when a simple one will do?

Science fiction is fantasy with bolts painted on outside.

Because no man wants to be a coward in front of a cheese.

Education had been easy. Learning things had been harder.

And sin, young man, is when you treat people like things.

Most gods find it hard to walk and think at the same time.

As large as worlds. As old as Time. As patient as a brick.

Sometimes, the best answer is a more interesting question.

Ultimately, there is the freedom to take the consequences.

The truth may be out there, but lies are inside your head.

We've got a lot of experience of not having any experience

Just because things are obvious doesn't mean they're true.

"And what would humans be without love?" Rare, said Death.

I taught myself more in the library than school taught me.

If you have enough book space, I don't want to talk to you.

Everyone is reading what they like and that's a good thing.

Seeing things a human shouldn't have to see makes us human.

Oh, there's plenty of reasons. I just don't know which one.

Knowing things is magical, if other people don't know them.

Cats gravitate to kitchens like rocks gravitate to gravity.

Letitia! What a name. Halfway between a salad and a sneeze.

Your own brain ought to have the decency to be on your side!

The mountains of madness have many little plateau of sanity.

They can tak' oour lives but they canna tak' oour troousers!

Just because it's not nice doesn't mean it's not miraculous.

You haven't really been anywhere until you've got back home.

Few things are hidden from a quiet child with good eyesight.

No real sunrise could paint the sky Surgical Appliance Pink.

When you look into the abyss, it’s not supposed to wave back.

TV people in the UK... I'm getting on a lot better with them.

The words are easy - most of them have already been invented.

Do you think it's possible for an entire nation to be insane?

History tends to change people who think they're changing it.

Oh, where are my manners? Do sit down. Pull up a small child.

Don't look back!" "Why not?" "Because I just did! Run faster!

He was currently wondering vaguely who Moey and Chandon were.

Life doesn't happen in chapters - at least, not regular ones.

What did they feed the lions and tigers with in the ark, sir?

Oh. I see. People don't want to see what can't possibly exist.

Why not? If enough people believe, you can be god of anything.

Personal’s not the same as important. People just think it is.

Up until now I'd always though RSI meant 'I hate my damn job'.

This book had two authors, and they were both the same person.

Real children do not go hoppity skip unless they are on drugs.

If you put butter and salt on it, it tastes like salty butter.

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