Be afraid. Be very afraid.

WWE is my domain, my yard.

I don`t make mistakes. I bury them.

You can't hide... from The Deadman.

Tonight, there will be a sacrafice!

I've crippled more people than polio.

Sometimes it's hell getting to heaven

Allow the purity of evil to guide you.

If you try me, I will make you famous.

I evaluate myself at the end of every year.

You can not kill that which is already dead.

I think I'm a little tougher than I am smart.

Both hips have had a form of hip replacement.

Kane, my gosh, Kane is just incredibly strong.

Sometimes it is hell, trying to get to heaven.

Jake 'The Snake' Roberts, man - brilliant mind.

Roman Reigns never asked me for my help, that's not who he is.

Life isn't that sweet. That's why everyone wants sweet things.

I am and have been the reaper of wayward souls for a long time.

In the past I led such a mysterious life. I didn't give interviews.

Why don't you say "What?" if you like to sleep with your own sister.

Regardless of anything, I'm gonna write my own story and my own ending.

Why put off kicking somebody's *ss next week when I can do it right now.

Everything is happening for a reason, it's preparing you for bigger things.

When I started out, I was a basketball player at Texas Wesleyan University.

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, you're not going to like the view.

Your transgressions will be punished. Dr. DisRespect, you will rest in peace.

Back in the old days, you had to work. If you didn't work, you didn't get paid.

My biggest fear is becoming a parody of myself. That's something I struggle with.

I learned really late. I started leasing a tour bus, which I wish I had done a lot sooner.

The old-school Undertaker is my legacy. It's probably what I'm going to be remembered for.

I always felt like, if I started feeling stale, my audience is probably feeling it before me.

I've had several joint surgeries just to get floating bone chips and different things removed.

You better give your soul to the Lord, because the rest of your scrawny ass, will belong to me!

In all my years here, I don't think I've ever seen quite so many assholes gathered in one place!

I've been concussed I don't know how many times, yeah it's taken a pretty good toll on the body.

If you see me out on the street, you would see me in jeans and cut-off shirt riding a motorcycle.

You know, obviously I've been around for a while, so I've got a little sweat and blood equity built up.

I may not dress like Satan anymore, but I’m still down with the Devil and I will go medieval on your ass.

Just taking a piece of dirt and envisioning the building you'd like to put on it - it's an amazing process.

I'm gonna kick your teeth so far down your throat you'll be able to chew your own ass out for pissin' me off.

At the end of the day, whatever you're doing in the ring, you want it to look real, and genuine, and authentic.

I've had both my eye sockets crushed, I've been set on fire, uh, that was not fun, I've torn a pec, torn biceps.

The fear of death is far greater than the death itself. But the fear of the unknown is the greatest fear of all!

For me, I didn't have anyone in the wrestling world... trying to get my foot in the door was virtually impossible.

There is no shame in going out fighting and getting your ass kicked, but there is no honor in not fighting at all.

Sometimes you have to set the angle within the match, but you gotta give a reason for one guy to be loved and one guy to be hated.

I always told guys you don't date people you work with, it's not going to work. I said it for years and then I broke my own motto.

We use wrestling moves to tell a story but it boils down to the character and being able to bring either love or hate out of your crowd.

Wrestling and sports entertainment is not about the moves, it really isn't. It's about being able to evoke emotion in one facet or another.

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