Yeah, I'm a Leo.

I don't like clocks.

I like to peel oranges.

Atlanta represents freedom.

Crazy is good, crazy is fun!

Green Eggs and Ham' is fire.

I love @love.watts on Instagram!

I just surprise myself every day.

Everybody's inspiring me to just be me.

I'll never be on the level of my idols.

I like strawberries, kiwis, and oranges.

I have a really bad memory, to be honest.

When I was 16, I was rapping just to rap.

I'm having fun creating what I'm creating.

Philly gives me that raw edge. We just do us.

I never wanted to grow up. It really is a trap.

The phone started ringing when I dropped 'Whack World.'

If I'm at home, I'm just watching a bunch of horror movies.

I think people think I'm a extrovert but really I'm a introvert.

If I can make it through homelessness, I can make it through anything.

I have a sick sense of humor. Like, I'm always laughing at my own pain.

I was in the lab for a long time before I actually, like, put stuff out.

I like to create whatever that pops up in my head, bring whatever idea to life.

I hate olives. They're so nasty. I hate everything about olives. Mushrooms, too.

You can't put me in a box, because then it's just like, you're not gonna get anything.

My moods are like a roller coaster. It's hard for me to just feel one way all the time.

I don't want any gimmicks. The fact that people think that Whack is a gimmick is so crazy.

To be honest, I'm selfish as an artist. I'm doing what I want to do and what I want to hear.

When I'm recording, I usually just mumble and hum a melody and then fill the words in as I go.

Everybody's opening up their own lane and it just makes you feel O.K. to showcase what you've got.

People compare me to the people I listen to, the people I'm influenced by, Andre 3000, Missy, Busta.

That's my real name. That's not like a gimmick or anything, that's my government name, Tierra Whack.

I decided I wanted to use my real name 'Tierra Whack' when I decided I wanted to make music my career.

As a kid, I was really shy. Technically I am still, but when I'm performing I want everybody to listen.

I never know what time it is, If you don't know what time it is, you can just move. Time is a restraint.

I jumped around to different schools so I always had to adapt - remain me but pull from different avenues.

I'm still so down to earth and regular. I still be in the projects, I still be in the hood - just regular.

I fight for whatever I believe in! I've learned to trust myself. I went from a being a rapper to an artist.

I can't describe my sound. That's something I don't ever think about and I kinda don't want to think about it.

I have so much built up inside. To be able to put what I have in my head into real life is just an amazing thing.

A hard copy? It's fire. People want vinyl and cassette tapes - it's just cool to be able to touch it and feel it.

Me being dark-skinned, that was like a big thing. Growing up, I hated myself. It was, like, weird. Kids are cruel.

I chose art, music, of course fashion, clothes, colors. I'm just expressing what I have inside and bringing it out.

Well, I have to have some type of visual in my head to finish a song. I can't finish a song if I can't see anything.

I spent a lot of time in my head, but not like caring about what everybody else thought, just literally in my own world.

Sometimes, I can be crying my eyes out, wanting to die, and then I'll walk by a mirror and see myself and just bust out laughing.

I started music to be myself - to release and express - so I have to make sure that I'm staying true to me and making myself happy.

Everything's so, like, saturated nowadays. So if you wanna, like, make an impact, you gotta do something different. Do something new.

Each day I record I'm always doing something different that I've never done. So I feel like I'm a new artist every time I go to the studio.

Being a female in music I just, I want everybody to, all the women to come in, and we huddle up and we work together and we help each other.

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