I don't want any dog to be put down.

I do whatever my heart tells me to do.

I'm not about hurting the person I'm with.

I'm a woman, so I'm going to be woman as much as I can.

When people talk about someone you have preconceived judgments.

When I was still in high school I knew I wanted to live in California.

Whoever I'm with, that's the person I'm with. That's the way I'm wired.

You don't want to be in a relationship with someone who's scared of you.

I'm one of the girls that you would love to have in your group of friends.

I'm shooting a commercial for safe sex. How ironic. Because I don't have that.

As long as I'm not hurting anybody, I don't think that anything I do is wrong.

I've learned that no matter what I do, people are going to have their opinions.

You can't have a conversation with someone who's intimidated by you all the time.

My fans and people who know of my character want to see me become more successful.

It's not the '90s anymore. I think the gay community is a lot more accepted these days.

When somebody says something bad about you, they feel bad about themselves in some way.

I just sit around at home, and I have nothing to do, so I am on the Internet all the time.

On a daily basis, jeans and t-shirt is still sexy, but it doesn't look like you're trying too hard.

I knew out of high school I didn't want to go to college. I knew what whatever I did wouldn't have anything to do with college.

I think nerdy stuff is sexy. I like to watch the History Channel and learn about the universe, quantum physics and stuff like that.

This is so cliche, but my beauty icon would have to be Angelina Jolie. She looks like she wears natural makeup, but she's still beautiful.

I think every person has their own identity and beauty. Everyone being different is what is really beautiful. If we were all the same, it would be boring.

Music is just a really fun hobby that I do, because I'm actually really good about writing songs and producing. People don't realize this, but I am an excellent writer for artists.

There aren't that many songs that pay homage to the DJ. They are the ones getting artists' music out there. They are the ones getting the club popping. But no one's giving them any love.

When I started on MySpace, people wanted to support me, but once I rose to fame with the MTV show, they felt like I had abandoned them for some reason, that I was too famous to talk to them anymore.

I've found my calling with Twitter. It's all about the amount of interaction you do, and the traffic you move, and I'm really good at that. I keep going and going and going, and no one can believe that I can keep it up.

I mean, the media and bloggers may say otherwise, but in reality I have a lot of fans because I'm the only celebrity that actually takes time out to call them and talk to them. I don't think a lot of celebrities do that.

I joined MySpace in September 2003. At that time no one was on there at all. I felt like a loser while all the cool kids were at some other school. So I mass e-mailed between 30,000 and 50,000 people and told them to come over. Everybody joined overnight.

It is because of me — I definitely think [my show] has helped the movement. Before it came out, everyone was still a little apprehensive about [same sex relationships]. Then they realized, 'Wow, everyone is really into this stuff, and it is fine.' The next thing you know, [gay marriage] is legal.

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