Make it work

I love helping people.

Exude unconditional confidence.

I haven't had a date in 26 years.

Mood has a scuba section? Who knew?

Models come in all sizes and shapes.

Remember, channel your inner winner.

I love HGTV. I love the Food Network.

And Brooke Elliott is a great actress.

I believe women do the best womenswear.

I've never said I'm a fashion designer.

I'm much more of a Leo than I am a Cancer.

Life is a collaboration, it's not a solo act.

Trying and acheiving are two different things.

I'm so lucky. I've met a lot of famous people.

Don't give up! You're too talented. You're too good!

I'm very budget-minded myself, and it serves me well.

I'm one of the biggest introverts you could ever meet.

Does a man need to know what a peplum is? Probably not.

Staples are only good if they truly suit our lifestyle.

We all had to search for more words to describe things.

I believe that treating other people well is a lost art.

But if fashion were easy, wouldn't everybody look great?

But if fashion were easy, wouldn't everybody look great ?

Remember someone is going to be out, so don’t make it you.

If I could predict the trends, they would already be there.

Few activities are as delightful as learning new vocabulary.

Life is a big collaboration. And we can't navigate it alone.

I don't know why I've always been so captivated by architecture.

I love Modern Family but it's among a handful of favorite shows.

I've made more bad decisions at 3 in the morning than I can list!

I just don't like conspicuous consumption. I find it distasteful.

I had this wonderful career and thought I would retire as a teacher.

The clothes we wear send a message about how the world perceives us.

Why must she dress that way? I think she's confused about her gender.

I believe in letting karma do its thing. What comes around goes around.

May I respond by merely saying, "I hate crocs. May they please go away."

Nothing makes me happier than working with real people in the real world.

If you have to ask if a clothing item is a dress or a top, it is always a top.

I'm not sure what the moral is here...I really just wanted to tell that story.

I don't know if people have gotten ruder or if my tolerance level has declined.

In a manner of speaking. I certainly never want to lose my voice as an educator.

I have to have my coffee. I probably have three cups a day, but only before noon.

On my first day teaching my own classroom, I threw up before I entered the building.

You have no control over other people's taste, so focus on staying true to your own.

It's man's impact on our world that appeals to me more than just nature running wild.

I pretty much stay true to myself and try to find the good in people and not be snarky.

I say long and lean as opposed to tall, because you could be 5 four and look long and lean.

I do things like hem a pair of pants, I do my own tailoring but I wouldn't attempt a jacket.

Things are recalibrated according to new perspectives and perceptions. It's fascinating to me.

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