Don't be normal. Be an example.

I'm just another guy starting out.

Don't worry about what you can't control.

It's OK to be outspoken about your faith.

I pray to start my day and finish it in prayer.

I try to learn from every experience, good or bad.

As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another

It's hard to create new friendships outside sports.

I rely on a lot of green drinks to get my vegetables.

My whole life, my dream has been to be a quarterback.

I don't judge my success in life as a football player.

I really try to enjoy life and have joy with what I do.

I'm blessed to have a little bit of success in football.

I think my teammates make me look a lot better than I am.

It's not the dreamers that are remembered, it's the doers.

If you believe, sometimes unbelievable things are possible.

If you believe, unbelievable things can sometimes be possible.

I am not better than anyone else just because I play football.

The media will make a controversy out of anything, if they can.

Talk about your blessings more than you talk about your burdens.

Helping raise money for kids - there's nothing better than that.

If you believe then unbelievable things can sometimes be possible.

It's attractive when girls have faith. That is a big thing for me.

Love ice cream. I let myself have that about once a week. Vanilla.

I'm going to listen to John Elway. He knows what he's talking about.

I don't know what my future holds, but I do know who holds my future.

Whatever avenue I feel like I can make a difference in, I'd love to do.

You need to have something to motivate you, something to give you an edge.

It's not always the easiest thing to be the center of so much spilled ink.

First and foremost is what this country was based on: one nation under God.

Athletic ability can be taken away like that. It can all end in a heartbeat.

My passion is kids, more than just kids is underprivileged kids and orphans.

I try to be active and to keep my body in the best shape I can possibly be in.

We have to humble ourselves and the way you do that is by serving other people.

When I meet somebody I want to leave a better impression than when I got there.

Strong leaders encourage you to do things for your own benefit, not just theirs.

I try to stay centered in my faith and my family and the close people around me.

I guess, first and foremost, I'd like to thank my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

I always love training at crazy times - it's an edge I'm creating over everyone else.

I don't know that I am a great leader at all, I just know I really care about what I do.

Every time I step on the field, I'm going to give my whole heart regardless of the score.

I'll always use the negativity as more motivation to work even harder and become even stronger.

My rookie year was huge for me as far as the learning curve, especially those last three games.

Regardless of whatever I do, I know what my purpose is: to make a difference in people's lives.

I will remain in relentless pursuit of continuing my lifelong dream of being an NFL quarterback.

The lows are disappointing but that makes the highs much sweeterThat's what drives you to compete.

When your identity is found in Christ, your identity never changes. You are always a child of God.

Something I always try to practice is be anxious for nothing, but let your request be known to God.

If someone is there to believe in you, to care about you and support you, amazing things can happen.

I've been blessed to have an amazing mom and two amazing sisters - so they set a very high standard.

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