My senses tell me hubba.

The ultimate crime is not to care.

If you went crazy, would you know it?

There must be a God because he made me.

Look upon yourself only with compassion.

Behind every tree there's a new monster.

When you're all alone, love one another.

They may be stupid, but they sure are fun.

I wonder how many eggs are in the golden goose?

I guess country music works better in supermarkets.

Today I saw a car crush my little dog under it's wheel.

Love between the ugly, is the most beautiful love of all

I don't want to work, I want to bang on the drum all day.

People who have memorized your songs-how can you not love them?

I'd like to continue to play until I drop dead on stage or something.

The problem turned out to be that I never was that kind of an artist.

When you come to a place like Kauai, you don't go for a high tech world.

I prefer hallucinations cause they tend to make more sense than experience.

Every day when I get home from work, I feel so frustrated, my boss is a jerk.

Everyone has been a witness sometime - It doesn't change it if you don't believe.

My father was not really into popular music; I had to learn about that for myself.

Kids don't want to dye their whole head another color; that's what their mothers do.

Kept his locker full of weed just to satisfy his smoking needs and his love of fire.

You do have a modicum of peace of mind here, but it's as unsettled as any other place.

The God that can only love something like this man. And from then on it was all downhill.

On occasion, I hear a rearrangement of a song that really makes me reevaluate it in a way.

Make music a service that's easy to consume, and there'll be plenty of money for everyone.

I never thought a Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in Cleveland or anywhere else was a good idea.

I get my sticks and go out to the shed, and I pound on that drum like it was my boss's head.

When I got out of high school, I joined a local blues band in Philadelphia - Woody's Truck Stop.

I am a laptop boy. People say: 'Where's your studio?' I say: 'It's in my laptop, in my rucksack.'

I know that I could make this world peaceful and calm, if I only could get my hands on a hydrogen bomb.

So there was a way for you to get promoted and survive as an artist without worrying about AM radio hits.

That's what I like about Frank Ocean or Bon Iver - they try to capture a feeling in the most sincere way.

I decided early on that I wanted to be Michael Bloomfield, Jeff Beck and Eric Clapton - not George Harrison.

So I don't think I'm gonna pull my head into my shell just because a bunch of people start acting like idiots.

As much as I'd like to be listening to other things, I can't do that until I get all of this sort of put to bed.

I've always done very 'composed' music and worked-out solos. But sometimes it's fun not knowing where you're going.

I must of woke up this morning with a bug up my ass, I think I'll just haul off and belt the next jerk that I pass.

I'll come around to see you once in a while, or if I ever need a reason to smile, and spend the night if you think I should.

If you will, then you will, for nothing can withstand your will. As your faith is, so you are, where your mind is there you are.

There are still people who believe in that and wake up every day believing it's possible, and invest their whole selves in that.

Don't sit and wait - For the world on a plate - (It's not a stroke of luck or chance) - Just draw a bead on that sucker, and drive!

Once I go on stage, the atmosphere is totally theatrical. The greater the illusion, the greater the intensity of the excitement it creates.

It's hard for me to say that what I'm doing isn't even really music, because deep inside of me, what I want to do is much greater than music.

Before there were any sort of 'recordings' there was performance. If we are devolved back to the Stone Age tomorrow, there will be performance.

And so it's inescapable and people who proclaim scrupulous honesty can only proclaim that if they don't examine closely the things they believe.

Most people outside of America won't get it. It's the Easter bunny. It's another lie and I don't understand why we had to invent this character.

People write me letters and say I should answer them. But I don't like to answer letters. I don't write letters. I've never written my mother one.

In a way, I created Utopia as a platform for me to become more of a guitar player and less of the kind of balladeer that people were taking me for.

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