Actions have consequences.

There are nothing but hardliners in Iran.

I don't do stairs. And I don't do groups.

We're going to make America a better place.

The Islamic State is using medieval tactics.

We need to be tough once again in the world.

In Arkansas, we believe in religious freedom.

We want the president to act to keep America safe.

I do not take my obligations as a senator lightly.

The nuclear deal with Iran is fundamentally flawed.

There's nothing good about Russia's activity in Syria.

Donald Trump can ultimately make the case for himself.

I never go ballistic, I'm always measured and tempered.

America does not torture. We never have, and we never will.

Law and order in our communities doesn't arise spontaneously.

Teenagers are kinda the same wherever you find them in America.

Fundamentally, we have to recognize that Iran is not a partner.

Our goal is simple: to stop Iran from obtaining a nuclear weapon.

As a senator, I play an important role in crafting foreign policy.

The problem of end-to-end encryption isn't just a terrorism issue.

The Congress plays a central role in our constitutional structure.

I am focused on the work that the people of Arkansas sent me to do.

At Harvard College, I discovered political philosophy as a way of life.

We're not responsible for the domestic security of every one of our allies.

Some people say I'm a young man in a hurry. Well, guess what: they're right.

I can't comment on what every single presidential candidate is saying or doing.

We need to quit appeasing our adversaries, and we need to stand with our allies.

The Islamic State is dangerous, a nuclear-armed Islamic Republic is even more so.

Men are simple creatures. It doesn't take much to please us. The problem is women.

It's the job of the president to negotiate, but it's the job of Congress to approve.

Two-thirds of the American people realize just how bad the nuclear deal is with Iran.

Waterboarding isn't torture. We do waterboarding to our own soldiers in the military.

The U.S.-Israel alliance is a core part of our strategic position in the Middle East.

Obviously, the United States military can destroy any of Iran's nuclear infrastructure.

We have to remain vigilant, and we have to continue to take the fight to the terrorist.

I'll tell you the truth, even in an election year, and that's what people are ready for.

Trying to balance the budget through defense cuts is both counterproductive and impossible.

We need to significantly increase the number of bombing runs we're conducting in Iraq and Syria.

I have always had confidence in our front line F.B.I. personnel as well as the F.B.I. leadership.

Ambition characterizes and distinguishes national officeholders from other kinds of human beings.

The Senate must approve any deal President Obama negotiates with Iran by a two-thirds majority vote.

The military budget must reflect the threats we face, rather than the budget defining those threats.

Hillary Clinton exposed our nation's most sensitive national security secrets to foreign adversaries.

You never know what kind of challenges are going to be thrown in your way or opportunities will arise.

I'm not going to respond to every single thing that Donald Trump has to say or that Hillary Clinton says.

I have spoken to Donald Trump about this. He understands the dramatic budget cuts our military has faced.

What I can do as the member of the United States Senate is try to do everything I can to keep America safe.

Our national-security strategy must drive our military budget, rather than the budget setting our strategy.

Jimmy Carter proposed withdrawing the troops from South Korea. He was stopped by the United States Congress.

Roadside bombs that Iran sent to Iraq to blow up over 500 American soldiers cost a lot less than $1.7 billion.

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