I can't even touch my toes!

I have a photographic memory.

As an actor, I love a challenge.

Adrenaline has always been my thing.

My teenage life was a little strange.

I started dancing because of Janet Jackson.

I loved doing ballet. I trained for two years.

I don't like spiders at all, but I love heights.

I'm literally tone-deaf with singing. It's unreal.

I think directing is something I would really enjoy.

I was terrified watching 'Civil War' for the first time.

Fame is a beast that you can't control or be prepared for.

Peter Parker's storyline hits every key point of growing up.

I haven't seen 'The Empire Strikes Back' - I'm not gonna lie.

I don't read that many books - I tend to read scripts for projects.

The ocean, to me, is one of the most terrifying things on the planet.

Zendaya is the one. At serving looks, she is the one to go to for tips.

Dublin is one of my favourite cities. It's an absolutely amazing place.

I'm a London boy, born and bred, and I'll be there for as long as I can.

I had acquired the skills to sail a ship; I didn't acquire the knowledge.

I think 'Spider-Man 2' is one of the greatest superhero movies ever made.

I get recognized more for my 'Lip Sync Battle' than I do for being Spider-Man.

The harder you try, the better the impression you set on the people around you.

When Ron Howard rings you up and says, 'I'd like you to do my film,' you do it.

I go to The Brit School, which is where Adele, Amy Winehouse, and Jessie J went.

I've got a huge family back in Ireland, and I've made loads of movies in Ireland.

That's what I love about working for Marvel is how welcoming and kind everyone is.

I was joking with my agent that I'm going to get typecast for a water-disaster actor.

There's too much we don't know about the ocean to make me feel comfortable around it.

I like to consider myself a tech fan. That doesn't mean I'm a tech whiz, by any means.

I am playing a superhero for kids, and I don't want them to think I'm some dirty fool.

I'm never quite cool, if you know what I mean. I'm basically the worst, best superhero.

Bullies now aren't just jocks. They're rich kids in the nice cars with the fancy clothes.

If I can bring happiness to people all around the world, then I will try my best to do so.

I don't mind sitting at home playing the guitar for a year as long as I'm making good films.

It's so fantastic for young kids to see a superhero going through the things they go through.

I went to an all-boys school, where I played rugby, so ballet wasn't the coolest thing to do.

Best thing about shooting in Atlanta at night is that it's not as hot as it is during the day.

For some reason, I skipped the original 'Star Wars.' I don't know why, and I'm very embarrassed.

I think, for me, I've realized the responsibility of being a role model for young kids everywhere.

My goal was to try and kind of be our generation's Marty McFly. That was what my all-time goal was.

I met two of my movie heroes. I met Tom Hanks, and I met Steven Spielberg. Oh and Quentin Tarantino.

I feel like if you put something out into the universe, then you increase your chances of it happening.

I want to work with Bayona again. I keep emailing my agent about it. Even the smallest role, I'll do it.

Peter Parker can't dance. He can flip and climb up walls and do backflips, but he definitely can't dance.

I don't like spiders, man, just because they are sneaky - they just really scare me. They are hairy - ugh.

I've made 'The Pilgrimage' - where I actually had to speak Gaelic - and I was shooting in Belfast as well.

I reckon I had 30 Spider-Man costumes over the years since I was a little baby. I had Spider-Man bed sheets.

'Civil War' was such a whirlwind, and I didn't really know what was going on. I was thrown into the deep end.

I don't want to be stuck to one character. I think that's what can happen when you take on a superhero movie.

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