If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will ...

If you spend your life trying to be good at everything, you will never be great at anything.

Make work a purpose, not just a place.

You need a lot of effort and talent to produce greatness.

Friendships are among the most fundamental of human needs.

Positive words are the glue that holds relationships together.

I act as if my life depends on each decision. Because it does.

Although individuals need not be well-rounded, teams should be.

Doing for others may be the only way to create lasting well-being.

Every human being has talents that are just waiting to be uncovered.

The pursuit of meaning, not happiness, is what makes life worthwhile.

Figure out what you really love doing and use your strengths on a daily basis.

What works for one persons needs is almost always very different from the next.

The things that change people's lives are usually an accumulation of small acts.

When I was in kindergarten, I entered a competition and read 52 books in a week.

The right choices over time greatly improve your odds of a long and healthy life.

Every hour you spend on your rear end ... saps your energy and ruins your health.

One's single greatest strength may be uncovering the hidden talents of another person.

Most people perceive their occupation as being a detriment to their overall wellbeing.

When you ask people what affects their wellbeing most, they think of health and wealth.

If you want to improve your life and the lives of those around you, you must take action.

Making better choices takes work. There is a daily give and take, but it is worth the effort.

From the cradle to the cubicle, we devote more time to our shortcomings than to our strengths.

You cannot be anything you want to be - but you can be a whole lot more of who you already are.

While the things that motivate us differ greatly from one person to the next, the outcomes do not.

The absence of high-quality friendships is bad for your health, spirits, productivity, and longevity.

Our relationships with people are formed by small moments - and relationships are crucial in business.

No matter how healthy you are today, you can take specific actions to have more energy and live longer.

The vast knowledge we have to prevent cancer, heart disease, and other chronic illnesses is staggering.

The real energy occurs in each connection between two people, which can bring about exponential returns.

When your boss and colleagues care enough to invest in your health, it is good for you and the business.

Positive defaults align our short-term decisions with our long-term interests. And we don't always do that.

When we build on our strengths and daily successes — instead of focusing on failures — we simply learn more.

At its fundamentally flawed core, the aim of almost any learning program is to help us become who we are not.

On average, spending time with your boss is consistently rated as the least pleasurable activity in a given day.

When we're able to put most of our energy into developing our natural talents, extraordinary room for growth exists

When we asked people if they would rather have a best friend at work or a 10% pay raise, having a friend clearly won.

There will be plenty of blame to go around but if you take credit for the sunshine, you also get blamed for the rain.

Every day, I read about new ideas and research that could help someone I care about live a longer and healthier life.

The reality is that a person who has always struggled with numbers is unlikely to be a great accountant or statistician.

We don't have any measures in most cases of the health of our social relationships, of what we're giving to the community.

You can intentionally choose to spend more time with the people you enjoy most and engage your strengths as much as possible.

Even if people just change two or three things that they are able to sustain over time, it makes quite a difference eventually.

Exercise is not enough. Working out three times a week is not enough. Being active throughout the day is what keeps you healthy.

At a very basic level, people need to know that there is constancy in their jobs and, more broadly, in where the organization is headed.

Washington is not a city that takes great pride in being a healthy place, necessarily. Now, I have no data. That's just my own observation.

The quickest way to be a little bit happier and more engaged in your job is to spend some time thinking about developing closer friendships.

When I speak with people who love their jobs and have vital friendships at work, they always talk about how their workgroup is like a family.

Leaders need to be thinking constantly about what they're doing to create a basic sense of security and stability throughout an organization.

Positive defaults protect you from yourself - and that helps you to make decisions in the moment that are better for your long-term interests.

People have several times more potential for growth when they invest energy in developing their strengths instead of correcting their deficiencies.

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