We only rise above mediocrity when there's something at stake. p. 174

I'm probably more interested in sentences than anything else in life.

Of course I'm inconsistent! Only logicians and cretins are consistent!

Any half-awake materialist well knows - that which you hold holds you.

You are an ignorant schoolgirl. You think civilization is a good thing.

In the haunted house of life, art is the only stair that doesn't creak.

I eat so much mayonnaise they were going to send me to the Mayo Clinic.

What we have here is an unexpected touchdown on the runway of the heart.

Approfondement is a French word that means 'playing easily in the deep.'

People write memoirs because they lack the imagination to make things up.

We approach the divine by enlarging our souls and lighting up our brains.

The universe does not have laws. It has habits. And habits can be broken.

You should never hesitate to trade your cow for a handful of magic beans.

I am cheerful. I don't know if I'm happy. There is a difference, you know.

Transformation, liberation and celebration are the themes of all my novels.

He who jokes in the executioners face can be destroyed, but never defeated.

Using words to describe magic is like using a screwdriver to cut roast beef.

When we accept small wonders, we qualify ourselves to imagine great wonders.

To be or not to be isn't the question. The question is how to prolong being.

Intimacy is the principal source of the sugars which this life is sweetened!

It's personal freedom, not hundred dollar bills that lights the soul's cigar.

Ultimately, the roast turkey must be regarded as a monument to Boomer's love.

Death is simple. Life is messy. Give me life, the more complicated the better.

True stability results when presumed order and presumed disorder are balanced.

Alone, the world offers itself freely to us. To be unmasked, it has no choice.

Writing a novel is not so much a project as a journey, a voyage, an adventure.

Those who shun the whimsy of things will experience rigor mortis before death.

My life is not merely a public phenomenon, it is a solitary adventure as well.

There's a certain Buddhistic calm that comes from having... money in the bank.

The trick is this: keep your eye on the ball. Even when you can't see the ball.

We're making it up. The world, the universe, life, reality. Especially reality.

To achieve the impossible; it is precisely the unthinkable that must be thought.

Kissing is man's greatest invention. All animals copulate, but only humans kiss.

Don't trust anybody who'd rather be grammatically correct than have a good time.

Gods and men create one another, destroy one another, though by different means.

Maybe most people were fundamentally contradictory. The real people at any rate.

This is the room where Jezebel frescoed her eyelids with history's tragic glitter

Whatever goes wrong can be used to your advantage, providing it goes wrong enough.

Whether a man is a criminal or a public servant is purely a matter of perspective.

Rap music... sounds like somebody feeding a rhyming dictionary to a popcorn popper.

Disbelief in magic can force a poor soul into believing in government and business.

We use so much bad language that it forms a barrier between ourselves and the truth.

The scientist keeps the romantic honest, and the romantic keeps the scientist human.

Most Americans pay lip service to the idea of freedom, but can't handle real freedom.

Consider the silent repose of the sausage as compared to the aggressiveness of bacon.

Life is like a stew, you have to stir it frequently, or all the scum rises to the top.

I believe in nothing, everything is sacred. I believe in everything, nothing is sacred.

Sometimes one gets the feeling that life still thinks it's living in Paris in the '30s.

In the end what will prevail is your passion not your tale, for love is the Holy Grail.

To emphasize the afterlife is to deny life. To concentrate on heaven is to create hell.

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